Search Results for: Forests

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5,419 results

5,419 results for: Forests

  1. Health & Medicine

    When Ebola Looms: Human outbreaks follow animal infections

    A network of organizations in an African region prone to Ebola epidemics has identified the virus in wild-animal remains prior to two recent human outbreaks, suggesting that animal carcasses may provide timely clues that could prevent the disease from spreading to people.

  2. Math

    Life on the Scales

    A mathematical equation helps explain life processes on all biological scales, from molecules to ecosystems.

  3. Physics

    Electronic Soup: Molecules in acid broth act as circuit parts

    An electronically promising molecule functions well in acid as a tiny amplifier, underscoring the importance of controlling molecules' electrochemical environments to achieve predictable performance.

  4. Agriculture

    Using Light to Sense Plants’ Health and Diversity

    Laser scanners may help farmers better tailor when and how much to fertilize their crops, with side benefits for the environment.

  5. Agriculture

    Bees increase coffee profits

    Scientists studying a Costa Rican coffee farm have estimated the monetary value of conserving nearby wooded habitat for the bees that pollinate coffee plants.

  6. Lefties, righties take neural sides in perceiving parts

    A brain-imaging study indicates that right-handers and left-handers use different, corresponding neural regions to perceive parts of an object while ignoring the larger entity.

  7. Earth

    Winged solution to biopollution?

    Government officials have released alien moths in hopes that they will rein in the spread of an aggressive climbing fern now invading some 100,000 acres in south Florida.

  8. Earth

    Can Banking Carbon Cool the Greenhouse?

    Stockpiling carbon dioxide in plants and soil may be effective only for the short term, if at all.

  9. Anthropology

    South American Surprise: Ancient farmers settled in Uruguay’s wetlands

    The discovery of a 4,200-year-old farming settlement in Uruguay challenges traditional notions of where early South American societies took root.

  10. Anthropology

    Chimps show skill in termite fishing

    Video cameras set up in a central-African forest have recorded the sophisticated ways in which local chimpanzees catch termites for eating.

  11. Earth

    Lead’s a moving target at rifle ranges

    The lead used in bullets and shotgun pellets can be a threat to the environment near rifle ranges but many of its hazards are manageable.

  12. Humans

    When Fair Means Superb: Young scientists and engineers meet in international competition

    A record 1,447 high school students from 45 countries shone their brightest in Phoenix last week as they competed at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair.
