Search Results for: Forests

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5,419 results

5,419 results for: Forests

  1. Age Becomes Her: Male chimpanzees favor old females as mates

    Male chimpanzees in Uganda prefer to mate with older females, a possible sign of males' need to identify successful mothers in a promiscuous mating system.

  2. Ecosystems

    Brave Old World

    If one group of conservation biologists has its way, lions, cheetahs, elephants, and other animals that went extinct in the western United States up to 13,000 years ago might be coming home.

  3. 19686

    It’s big news that poison ivy thrives where there are higher concentrations of carbon dioxide? Did everyone forget elementary school science and plant life’s dependence upon carbon dioxide? Do I advocate buying and driving the most carbon dioxide–emitting vehicle you can find? No. I guess I would just like to see more common sense and […]

  4. Earth

    Drought’s heat killed Southwest’s piñon forests

    The heat accompanying a drought and a plague of bark beetles seem to explain the deaths of swathes of piñon pine trees across the Southwest in 2002 and 2003.

  5. Blood clot protein is stretchiest natural fiber ever found

    The protein that forms the backbone of blood clots can stretch to several times its own length and then snap back to its original size.

  6. Plants

    Orchid bends around to insert pollen

    An orchid species in China has set a new record for acrobatics in self-pollination, twisting its male organs around and inserting them into the cavity where the female organ lies.

  7. Paleontology

    Mastodons in Musth: Tusks may chronicle battles between males

    Damage in the fossil tusks of male mastodons suggests that the creatures engaged in fierce combat with rival males at a certain time of year each year of their adult lives.

  8. Animals

    No Early Birds: Migrators can’t catch advancing caterpillars

    Pied flycatcher numbers are dwindling in places where climate change has knocked the birds' migration out of sync with the food-supply peak on their breeding grounds.

  9. Earth

    Wildfire, Walleyes, and Wine

    An international panel's latest report on the impacts of climate change highlights an overlooked need: preparing for droughts, floods, heat waves, and other disasters.

  10. Chimps lead way to HIV birthplace

    A viral analysis confirms that the global AIDS epidemic originated in chimpanzees living in southeastern Cameroon.

  11. Earth

    Counterintuitive Toxicity

    Toxicologists risk missing important health effects, both good and bad, if they don't begin regularly probing the impacts of very low doses of poisons.

  12. Tech

    Powering the Revolution

    Sensors and other electronic devices that can scavenge energy could open a new realm for technology.
