Search Results for: Forests

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5,419 results

5,419 results for: Forests

  1. Animals

    Pandamonium over a Tiny Pest

    A parasite threatens efforts to protect China's endangered icon.

  2. Life

    Evolution’s Evolution

    Darwin’s dangerous idea has adapted to modern biology

  3. Paleontology

    Forest Primeval: The oldest known trees finally gain a crown

    Recently unearthed fossils provide new insights about the appearance of the world's oldest known trees, plants that previously were known only from preserved stumps.

  4. Earth

    Invasive, Indeed

    Some people may live lightly on the land, but the demands of the world's population as a whole consume nearly a quarter of Earth's total biological productivity.

  5. Letters

    From the August 2, 2008 issue of Science News.

  6. Paleontology

    The warm jungles of ancient France

    Chemical analyses of amber excavated near Paris suggest that France was covered with a dense tropical forest about 55 million years ago.

  7. Space

    Twisted roots for solar jets

    Researchers have constructed the first 3-D image of a jet of gas zooming out of the sun's outer atmosphere, revealing the role that twisted magnetic fields play in generating such outbursts.

  8. Animals

    The naming of the elephant-shrew

    A new species of giant elephant-shrew, small bounding forest dwellers very distantly related to elephants, has been discovered in Tanzania. With video.

  9. Humans

    From the August 28, 1937, issue

    Trying to revive an ancient Australian tree called Great-Grandfather Peter, first report of the eerie light known as Cerenkov radiation, and the discovery of a new vitamin.

  10. Agriculture

    The Good Earth

    The Smithsonian is out to share the "secrets" of soil.

  11. Earth

    Let’s Get Vertical

    City buildings offer opportunities for farms to grow up instead of out.

  12. Ecosystems

    Madagascar’s Fantastic Forests

    Produced by WBUR in Boston to accompany a special program on Madagascar, this award-winning Web site offers a remarkably detailed look at life on this island, with a focus on the struggle to preserve Earth’s diversity of life. It includes photo galleries, audio clips, videos, maps, and much more. Go to:
