Search Results for: Forests

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5,442 results

5,442 results for: Forests

  1. Life

    Beetles grow weed killer

    Beetle moms carry their own bacteria for making a compound to protect their gardens.

  2. Earth

    In the aftermath

    The charcoal left after a forest fire stimulates microbial activity that boosts carbon loss from organic material covering the ground.

  3. A partnership apart

    DNA in hand, scientists dissect and redefine the iconic lichen mutualism.

  4. Animals

    Lizard push-ups grab attention

    Nearby lizards more likely to get the message if its preceded by push-ups

  5. Animals

    Caterpillars’ chirp could be scary

    Larvae of great peacock moths might signal that they’ll put up a fight.

  6. Physics

    Invisibility Uncloaked

    In the race to make things disappear, scientists gain ground on science fiction.

  7. Life

    Life: Science news of the year, 2008

    Science News writers and editors looked back at the past year's stories and selected a handful as the year's most interesting and important in Life. Follow hotlinks to the full, original stories.

  8. Earth

    Lake Superior’s ups and downs

    Analyses of trees and other organic material buried in a riverbank near Lake Superior’s northwestern shore shed new light on how much and when the lake level varied soon after the last ice age.

  9. Earth

    A hundred new nukes?

    Here are some issues to contemplate while deciding whether to welcome the nuclear-power renaissance that Sen. Alexander has just proposed.

  10. Life

    Grunting humans, moles scare earthworms

    Science tackles the old mystery of why worm grunters who rub a stake in the ground can catch earthworms.

  11. Life

    Birds duet to fight and seek

    The first study to track birds in the forest via microphone arrays shows that birds double up on fight songs, or play Marco Polo in tropical shrubbery.

  12. Earth

    Biological Cadre Turns Political

    Conservation scientists lobby the presidential-transition team to select an Interior Secretary who respects and defends science.
