Search Results for: Forests

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5,442 results

5,442 results for: Forests

  1. Earth

    Wringing hope from crashing biodiversity

    Biodiversity losses have not slowed despite a treaty designed to protect variety in the natural world.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Intentional weight loss in old age not detrimental, study finds

    Among obese group, those who shed pounds as part of diet study were less likely to die during follow-up years.

  3. Life

    Trees of stone tell tropical tale

    Peruvian petrified forest offers insight into low-latitude conditions of millions of years ago

  4. Climate


    Understanding long-term changes in wildfire patterns challenges scientists from multiple disciplines.

  5. Earth

    A fresh look at Mount St. Helens

    Nearly 30 years after the peak’s major eruption, recovery has just begun.

  6. Earth

    2009 Science News of the Year: Environment

    Recent monitoring (from a gondola in Washington state, shown) reveals that rates of tree death are up. Credit: Univ. of Washington Routine tree deaths doubled Small background rates of everyday tree death have doubled in old-growth, western forests since 1955, possibly because of climate change, researchers report (SN: 2/14/09, p. 8). In 76 plots with […]

  7. Animals

    Ants in the pants drive away birds

    Yellow crazy ants can get so annoying that birds don’t eat their normal fruits, a new study finds.

  8. Animals

    Wolverine: Climate warming threatens comeback

    BLOG: New data point to unexpected sociability and filial behavior in carnivore.

  9. Physics

    Supertwisty light proposed

    Researchers suggest a never-before-imagined property of electromagnetic fields that could one day yield new types of sensors.

  10. Animals

    Chimps may be aware of others’ deaths

    Reactions of chimps to dead companions and infants suggest a basic realization of what death entails.

  11. Tech

    Trading Forests for Coal

    Forested mountain peaks have been giving way to grassy planes in Appalachian coal country.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Cooling stroke patients from the inside out

    A treatment that induces hypothermia proves safe in an early test.
