Search Results for: Forests
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5,419 results for: Forests
A fresh look at Mount St. Helens
Nearly 30 years after the peak’s major eruption, recovery has just begun.
By Sid Perkins -
2009 Science News of the Year: Environment
Recent monitoring (from a gondola in Washington state, shown) reveals that rates of tree death are up. Credit: Univ. of Washington Routine tree deaths doubled Small background rates of everyday tree death have doubled in old-growth, western forests since 1955, possibly because of climate change, researchers report (SN: 2/14/09, p. 8). In 76 plots with […]
By Science News -
Ants in the pants drive away birds
Yellow crazy ants can get so annoying that birds don’t eat their normal fruits, a new study finds.
By Susan Milius -
Wolverine: Climate warming threatens comeback
BLOG: New data point to unexpected sociability and filial behavior in carnivore.
By Janet Raloff -
Supertwisty light proposed
Researchers suggest a never-before-imagined property of electromagnetic fields that could one day yield new types of sensors.
Chimps may be aware of others’ deaths
Reactions of chimps to dead companions and infants suggest a basic realization of what death entails.
By Bruce Bower -
Trading Forests for Coal
Forested mountain peaks have been giving way to grassy planes in Appalachian coal country.
By Janet Raloff -
Health & Medicine
Cooling stroke patients from the inside out
A treatment that induces hypothermia proves safe in an early test.
By Nathan Seppa -
Climatic effects of tree-killing hurricanes
A new analysis suggests storm damage returns millions of metric tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere each year.
By Sid Perkins -
Tar sands ‘fingerprint’ seen in rivers and snow
A new study refutes a government claim (one echoed by industry) that the gonzo-scale extraction of tar sands in western Canada — and their processing into crude oil — does not substantially pollute the environment.
By Janet Raloff -
The incredible shrinking solar cell
With lilliputian collectors, almost anything could be sun-powered.
By Janet Raloff