Search Results for: Forests
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5,419 results for: Forests
Ancient hominid had an unusual diet
A long-extinct member of the human evolutionary family had an uncommon taste for grasses and sedges.
By Bruce Bower -
Amazon may become greenhouse gas emitter
South America’s massive rain forest may soon release more carbon into the atmosphere than it absorbs.
By Devin Powell -
Culture results when chimps get cracking
Adjacent groups in Africa follow different traditions when it comes to opening nuts.
By Susan Milius -
Natural sinks still sopping up carbon
Ecosystems haven’t yet maxed out their ability to absorb fossil fuel emissions, new calculations suggest.
Health & Medicine
Thinner isn’t always better in diabetes
Normal-weight people who develop diabetes have higher mortality than people who are overweight or obese at the disease’s onset
By Meghan Rosen -
Spider man fell for jumpers
View the videos The recently named Lapsias lorax spider got its name from the Dr.Seuss character with a yellow mustache. Courtesy W. Maddison/Beaty Museum Wayne Maddison examines a tiny but venomous snake caught along with spiders shaken from tree branches. Snakes are one hazard Maddison faces in the tropics, along with leeches, wasps and more. […]
By Janet Raloff -
Little animals spread sperm for smelly mosses
Sex-specific odors may entice springtails to kick off fertilization.
By Susan Milius -
Borneo tough for red-haired vegans
Island’s natural fruit supply iffy for orangutans.
By Susan Milius -
Group to Group
Wild chimpanzees pick up ant-fishing behavior from a female immigrant.
By Erin Wayman -
Trees have a tipping point
Satellite data confirm that the amount of forest cover can shift suddenly in response to relatively small changes in fire frequency and rainfall.
Industrial roar changes nearby plant reproduction
Trees and wildflowers register the effects as animals flee (or not) from grinding engines.
By Susan Milius -
How the elephant gets its infrasound
Just blowing air through a pachyderm’s larynx produces fundamental elements of the mysterious rumblings that send messages too low for people to hear.
By Susan Milius