Search Results for: Forests

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5,419 results

5,419 results for: Forests

  1. Ecosystems

    Trees’ growth keeps climbing with age

    Older trees pack on weight faster, making them potentially the best carbon collectors.

  2. Ecosystems

    Cities are brimming with wildlife worth studying

    Urban ecologists are getting a handle on the varieties of wildlife — including fungi, ants, bats and coyotes — that share sidewalks, parks and alleyways with a city’s human residents.

  3. Life

    Tigers meet, mix in forest corridors

    In India, narrow strips of wild land connect small groups of cats.

  4. Ecosystems

    Aging European forests full to the brim with carbon

    Trees' capacity to sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is dwindling.

  5. Animals

    Swimming evolved several times in treetop ants

    Certain ants living in tropical forest canopies turn out to be fine swimmers.

  6. Life

    The tree of life gets a makeover

    Biology’s tree of life has morphed from the familiar classroom version emphasizing kingdoms into a complex depiction of supergroups, in which animals are aligned with a slew of single-celled cousins.

  7. Animals

    Little thylacine had a big bite

    A reconstruction of the skull of a thylacine, an extinct, fox-sized Australian marsupial, reveals that the animal could have eaten prey much larger than itself.

  8. Life

    Hummingbirds take stab at rivals with dagger-tipped bills

    Sharp points on the bills of male long-billed hermit hummingbirds may have evolved as weaponry.

  9. Animals

    How a chimp goes mattress hunting

    Chimpanzees prefer firm beds made of ironwood, a new study finds.

  10. Climate

    Mangroves move up Florida’s coast

    Satellite images reveal that the tropical trees are expanding north up Florida’s Atlantic coast, taking advantage of rising winter temperatures.

  11. Earth

    Shrinking ancient sea may have spawned Sahara Desert

    The Saharan Desert probably formed 7 million years ago as the ancient Tethys Sea, the forerunner of the Mediterranean Sea, shrank.

  12. Life

    Flightless birds’ history upset by ancient DNA

    The closest known relatives of New Zealand’s small, flightless kiwis were Madagascar’s elephant birds, so ancestors must have done some flying rather than just drifting with continents.
