Search Results for: Forests

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5,421 results

5,421 results for: Forests

  1. Earth

    Tough Choices

    Federal programs to preserve water in streams during droughts have prompted lawsuits and new pressures on endangered species and the law that protects them.

  2. Joined at the Senses

    As evidence accumulates for the existence of brain cells that handle many types of sensory information, some scientists challenge the popular notion that perception is grounded in five separate senses.

  3. Plants

    Torn to Ribbons in the Desert

    Botanists puzzle over one of Earth's oddest plants: the remarkably scraggly Welwitschia of southwestern Africa.

  4. Paleontology

    Genes Seem to Link Unlikely Relatives

    Genetic markers on three proteins suggest a common African ancestor for elephants, aardvarks, elephant shrews, golden moles, and other animals.

  5. Ecosystems

    Wanted: Reef Cleaners

    Nearly 18 years after a near total die-off of algae-grazing urchins in the Caribbean, those herbivores are poised for a comeback—which could help save area corals.

  6. Planetary Science

    Stormy Weather

    The 11-year cycle of solar storms has begun to peak, already affecting several Earth satellites and disturbing electric power systems on the ground, and scientists expect 2 more years of this solar maximum turmoil.

  7. Earth

    Pinning Down the Sun-Climate Connection

    Many scientists propose that changes in the sun's magnetic field and radiation output during its 11-year sunspot cycle also affect the atmosphere, changing Earth's climate by steering weather systems and influencing the amount of cloud cover.

  8. The Lives of Pandas

    On a tight energy budget, newborns no bigger than chipmunks grow into roly-poly superstars.

  9. Anthropology

    Rumble in the Jungle

    A new book raises troubling and controversial issues regarding research on a famous South American Indian population.

  10. Science News Books

  11. Attractive Tree ISO Lemur to Start a Family

  12. Carbon Dioxide Shakes off Its Pursuers
