Search Results for: Forests

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5,418 results

5,418 results for: Forests

  1. Climate

    The summer of 2021 was the Pacific Northwest’s hottest in a millennium

    Tree ring data from the Pacific Northwest reveal that the region’s average summer temperature in 2021 was the highest since at least the year 950.

  2. Health & Medicine

    U.S. opioid deaths are out of control. Can safe injection sites help?

    A new NIH study will evalute the only two officially sanctioned sites, in New York City, and a future site in Providence, R.I.

  3. Climate

    Greta Thunberg’s new book urges the world to take climate action now

    Greta Thunberg's ‘The Climate Book’ covers the basic science of climate change, the history of denialism and inaction, environmental justice and solutions.

  4. Climate

    Forests help reduce global warming in more ways than one

    Trees are often touted as bulwarks against climate change for their capacity to sequester carbon, but that’s just one part of the story.

  5. Paleontology

    ‘Thunder beast’ fossils show how some mammals might have gotten big

    Rhinolike mammals called brontotheres repeatedly evolved into bigger and smaller species, a fossil analysis shows. The bigger ones won out over time.

  6. Animals

    The last leg of the longest butterfly migration has now been identified

    After a long journey across the Sahara, painted lady butterflies from Europe set up camp in central Africa to wait out winter and breed.

  7. Archaeology

    How an ancient solar flare illuminated the start of the Viking Age

    Improved radiocarbon dating aided by a solar flare in the year 775 sheds light on the early days of Vikings and global trading in medieval times.

  8. Animals

    These researchers are reimagining animal behavior through a feminist lens

    Ambika Kamath and Melina Packer are working to overturn biased, outdated views in biology.

  9. Archaeology

    A spider monkey’s remains tell a story of ancient diplomacy in the Americas

    A 1,700-year-old spider monkey skeleton unearthed at Teotihuacan in Mexico was likely a diplomatic gift from the Maya.

  10. Readers ask about bird droppings, Ice Age cave art and more

  11. Science is global, so our coverage should be too

    Editor in chief Nancy Shute discusses Science News' efforts to report on science happening around the globe

  12. Climate

    Replacing some meat with microbial protein could help fight climate change

    Just a 20 percent substitution could cut deforestation rates and land-use CO2 emissions by more than half by 2050, a new study suggests.
