Search Results for: Dolphins

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442 results
  1. Letters

    Why good looks look good The article “It’s written all over your face” (SN: 1/17/09, p. 24) made me recall another article (a couple of years ago, I think!) describing the work of researchers investigating an apparent human, obsessive need to identify patterns in our environment. The scientists studied stockbrokers with and without a specific […]

  2. Life

    One ocean, four (or more) killer whale species

    Killer whales may be at least four species, a new study of mitochondrial DNA shows.

  3. Ecosystems

    Spill update: From booms to dispersants

    Choppy seas prevailed in the northern Gulf of Mexico on May 13, with even protected waters hostingrough 4 to 5 foot waves, according to the Coast Guard. But three-plus weeks into the Deepwater Horizon explosion and ensuing spill from a BP exploratory well, measures to respond to the catastrophe continued ramping up.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Pigs use mirrors

    After some time to play around with a mirror, pigs figure out what to do when they glimpse a reflection of food.

  5. Humans

    On imagination, knowledge, art, science and … ET

    High schoolers at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair probe the minds of distinguished scientists during a special Q and A

  6. Aping the Stone Age

    Chimp chasers join artifact extractors to probe the roots of stone tools.

  7. Life

    Life: Science news of the year, 2008

    Science News writers and editors looked back at the past year's stories and selected a handful as the year's most interesting and important in Life. Follow hotlinks to the full, original stories.

  8. Ecosystems

    Churning the numbers

    Some of the ocean’s small swimmers may be having a big impact on ocean mixing.

  9. Animals

    SOS: Call the ants

    Emergency ant workers bite at snares, dig and tug to free trapped sisters

  10. Life

    Mosquito fish count comrades to stay alive

    New experiments indicate that mosquito fish can count small numbers of companions swimming in different groups, an ability that apparently evolved to assist these fish in avoiding predators.

  11. Earth

    How killer whales are like people

    Killer whales may be sentinels for toxic chemicals accumulating in even landlubbers.

  12. Animals

    Dogs show a fetching communication savvy

    In a sign of understanding that one object can be used to represent another, border collies fetch toys after being shown replicas or, in some cases, photos of those toys.
