Search Results for: Dogs

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3,907 results

3,907 results for: Dogs

  1. Health & Medicine

    New Australian virus infects people

    Australian scientists have identified a new virus, apparently spread by fruit bats, that causes birth defects in pigs and severe illness in some people exposed to infected pigs.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Nervous tics in the heart

    The irregular heartbeats sometimes triggered after a heart attack may be caused by abnormal nerve growth in heart tissue damaged by the attack.

  3. Human, Mouse, Rat . . . What’s Next?

    Scientists lobby for a chimpanzee genome project.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Antioxidants for greyhounds? Not a good bet

    Antioxidant vitamins that greyhound racers have been giving their animals to boost performance actually slow down the dogs.

  5. 19099

    Other species recognize the different meanings in dogs’ barks, as well. I lived for several years next to a wonderful habitat for ducks. I fed the ducks cracked corn, and my Doberman pinscher would call them. The ducks only came to his “The human has food” bark. They didn’t respond to the “I hate bicycles” […]

  6. Agriculture

    Mad Cow Future: Tests explore next generation of defenses

    As Canadian health officials investigate mad cow disease within the country's borders, researchers are already working on the next generation of defenses.

  7. Animals

    Dogged Dieting: Low-cal canines enjoy longer life

    The first completed diet-restriction study in a large animal shows that labrador retrievers fed 25 percent less food than those allowed to eat as much as they desired tend to live longer and suffer fewer age-related diseases.

  8. No Rest for the Waking: Brain cells for alertness fire without cues

    The brain cells that keep people awake fire spontaneously and continuously on their own, suggesting that sleep depends on signals from other brain regions that quiet these neurons.

  9. Humans

    Munching Along

    New Orleans' French Quarter has become a central proving ground for new technologies to find and attack the North American invasion of especially aggressive and resourceful alien termites.

  10. Earth

    Candid cameras catch rare Asian cats

    Remote cameras have confirmed that despite 30 years of armed conflict, jungle cats and many other large mammals continue to thrive in Cambodia.

  11. Disabled genes dull sense of smell

    Mutated genes may explain why humans have a poor sense of smell.

  12. Health & Medicine

    A Make-Time-For-Sex Diet?

    We’re slaves to our hormones. Teenagers and pregnant women are experts on that topic. Both ride an emotional roller coaster as their bodies produce vacillating amounts of sex hormones. In fact, behind the scenes of all human biology–from conception to death–a delicate interplay of hormones drives everything from the expression of our gender to regulation […]
