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3,907 results for: Dogs
- Humans
Science News of the Year 2004
A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the year 2004.
By Science News - Health & Medicine
Selenium’s Value to Prostate Health
Prostate cancer remains the most common malignancy among U.S. men, and internationally it ranks fourth. Though few studies have offered much insight into what triggers this disease, a growing number of researchers have found evidence suggesting that dietary selenium protects men against this cancer. The seafood in this bowl of sushi can be a rich […]
By Janet Raloff - Health & Medicine
Bone Builder: New drug could heal hard-to-mend fractures
A synthetic compound can heal broken bones that are so damaged they don't knit on their own, a study in rats and dogs shows.
By Nathan Seppa -
- Archaeology
Guard dogs and horse riders
More than 5,000 years ago, the Botai people of central Asia had ritual practices that appeared in many later cultures.
By Bruce Bower - Earth
Air Sickness
Studies have begun showing subtle but substantial harmful effects in outwardly healthy people who regularly breathe hazy air.
By Janet Raloff - Ecosystems
New protection for much-dogged shark
To rebuild northeastern U.S. populations of the spiny dogfish, the first fishing quotas on this species limit the harvest to roughly 10 percent of the 1998 haul.
By Janet Raloff - Health & Medicine
A Forget-Me-Not Dietary Supplement?
By the time most people reach their 40s, the mind has lost some of its youthful nimbleness. They learn a little more slowly. They forget more frequently. Sometimes, they don’t remember where they put the car keys or the name of that popular actor. REMEMBER THIS. Egg yolks are a rich source of choline. National […]
By Janet Raloff - Humans
Undignified Science
Research advances in 2003 heralded a string of unexpected scientific indignities that will occur in the future, at least in the fevered imagination of one writer.
By Bruce Bower - Humans
Undignified Science
Research advances in 2003 heralded a string of unexpected scientific indignities that will occur in the future, at least in the fevered imagination of one writer.
By Bruce Bower - Physics
Starting from Square One
Physicists appear to have wedded the arcane theory of quarks to cutting-edge computer science, giving themselves tools for precisely predicting properties of subatomic matter and possibly observing new physical phenomena.
By Peter Weiss - Tech
Counting calories on the road
People are programmed to spend about the same number of calories per day—roughly the energy of one hot dog—on daily travel, according to new analysis of British transportation statistics.
By Peter Weiss