Search Results for: Dogs
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3,907 results for: Dogs
Sit, Stay, Speak
If dogs could verbally comment on the scientific study of canine minds and how they really think, it might sound something like this.
By Bruce Bower - Earth
Dirty Little Secret
Recognition is growing that many communities have soils laced with asbestos, which has prodded several federal agencies to probe the hazards they might pose.
By Janet Raloff - Math
Ask-a-Friend Marketplaces
If you ask enough friends, paying for answers to questions can help you get the answers you need from a social network.
- Humans
Books for Late Summer
The writers of Science News present wide-ranging recommendations of books for readers to pack for their late-summer vacations.
By Science News - Health & Medicine
Calories May Not Count in Life Extension
In fruit flies, shifting the concentrations of nutrients while only modestly cutting calories extends lifespan just as much as a drastic calorie cut does.
- Animals
How dingoes got down under
DNA analysis suggests that Australia got its famous dingoes from a very few dogs brought along with people fanning out from East Asia some 5,000 years ago.
By Susan Milius - Humans
Letters from the February 12, 2005, issue of Science News
Short end of the chromosome Since “women with chronically ill children generally reported more stress” and since “there was a very striking connection between stress and telomere length” (“Stressed to Death: Mental tension ages cells,” SN: 12/4/04, p. 355), isn’t it probable that there is a strong connection between telomere length and becoming the parent […]
By Science News - Math
New largest prime discovered
Computers have discovered a new largest prime number with a whopping 7,816,230 digits.
I’m a veterinarian, and, here in west Texas, we see a high occurrence of parvovirus infection in young dogs. It destroys the intestinal villi, allowing gastrointestinal bacteria and their toxins to enter the bloodstream. I would be very interested in learning whether or not small doses of nicotine would have a beneficial effect. Tom McCabeEl […]
By Science News -
Your article reminded me that taking a bird’s song and transposing it down four octaves makes it sound like a whale’s song. The opposite is also true. To hear this, go to Todd BartonAshland, Ore. The article would imply that the only anomaly to the theory that mass equates to longevity is that large-dog […]
By Science News - Humans
Irreplaceable Perplexity 101
An imaginary classroom provides lessons on the all-too-real debate over evolution and intelligent design.
By Bruce Bower -
Breeds Apart: Purebred dogs defined by DNA differences
The most thorough DNA analysis yet of purebred dogs suggests that canine breeds can also be discerned genetically with great accuracy.
By John Travis