Search Results for: Dogs

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3,892 results

3,892 results for: Dogs

  1. Part Wild: One Woman’s Journey with a Creature Caught Between the Worlds of Wolves and Dogs by Ceiridwen Terrill

    The cultural history and genetic story of dog domestication is told through the adventures of a wolf-husky hybrid adopted by a science writer. Simon & Schuster, 2011, 274 p., $25

  2. Space

    California meteorite a scientific gold mine

    Sutter’s Mill rock preserves rare, fresh material from outer space.

  3. Life

    Rabies resistance arises in backwater thick with vampire bats

    Residents of two remote Peruvian communities appear to have survived infection by the deadly virus.

  4. Humans

    Blog: Remembering Sally Ride

    Astronomy writer Nadia Drake looks back on the astronaut’s reach.

  5. Chemistry

    Youngsters can sniff out old people’s scent

    Body odor changes detectably with age, becoming mellower in men and not at all offensive in either sex — even to young people.

  6. Life

    Hey kitty, dogs drink like cats

    High-speed video shows that canines don’t simply scoop up water, they toss it into their mouths just like their feline frenemies.

  7. Humans

    Of Mice and Man

    The lab mouse is being remodeled to better mimic how humans respond to disease.

  8. Humans

    Global flavor spices up science fair

    The 2012 Intel International Science & Engineering Fair opened in Pittsburgh on May 13, with more than 1,500 high school students attending the weeklong competition.

  9. Humans

    BLOG: Humans’ not-so singular status

    Reporting from the Euroscience Open Forum in Dublin, editor in chief Tom Siegfried discusses how neuroscience and artificial intelligence research are challenging ideas of selfhood and humankind's specialness.

  10. Life

    Genes & Cells

    Gene therapy for dogs, plus an HIV gatekeeper and new neurons from skin in this week’s news.

  11. Science & Society

    Here’s looking at how the usual suspect film quotes go ahead and make your day

  12. Humans

    So long Weekly Reader . . .

    I read with sadness this week that Weekly Reader is about to disappear. As much as I’ll miss the idea of the venerable Weekly Reader living on, I also have to admit to a bit of a love/hate relationship with it. This conflict developed shortly after I joined the staff here. As soon as I identified my affiliation, people frequently asked: “Science News — hmmm: Isn’t that the Weekly Reader of science?”
