Search Results for: Dogs

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3,891 results

3,891 results for: Dogs

  1. Microbes

    Microbes can redeem themselves to fight disease

    With some genetic engineering, bacteria can morph from bad to good and help attack invading cancer cells.

  2. Animals

    Now-extinct wolf may be ancestor of modern-day dogs

    No strong signs of canine ancestry among living grey wolves.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Overheard, baby edition: Making sense of new words

    Eavesdropping babies learn new words when they understand familiar ones.

  4. Science & Society

    Alternatives needed to do-it-yourself feces swaps

    Three researchers are calling for the FDA to regulate feces as a human tissue rather than a drug to make it easier for doctors to perform fecal transplants.

  5. Animals

    Spotted seals hear well in and out of water

    Spotted seals, native to the northern parts of the Pacific, hear frequencies that may mean they are susceptible to the effects of anthropogenic noise.

  6. Neuroscience

    Sunbathing may boost endorphins in the body and brain

    UV light makes mice churn out a molecule that is a cousin of morphine and heroin, a finding that may explain why some people seek out sunshine.

  7. Psychology

    Online causes may attract more clicks than commitments

    Online awareness campaigns can make people feel they’ve contributed to a good cause, but social scientists say the tangible benefits of such efforts may be small.

  8. Neuroscience

    Me, Myself, and Why

    Me, Myself, and Why is an ambitious effort to dissect the hodgepodge of genetic and environmental factors that sculpt people’s identities.

  9. Life

    You don’t have to go to Antarctica to see wild penguins

    Tourists can visit many species of wild penguins outside of Antarctica.

  10. Animals

    Young chimps catch human yawns

    Juvenile chimps yawn contagiously when they see humans do it, a response that could signal the animals are developing empathy.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Possible measles drug tests well in animals

    Compound that saves ferrets from viral infection might someday lead to measles treatment.

  12. Genetics

    Bank voles provide clue to prion disease susceptibility

    A protein from bank voles makes mice susceptible to disorders that wouldn’t otherwise infect them.
