Search Results for: Butterflies

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1,028 results

1,028 results for: Butterflies

  1. Ecosystems

    Will Climate Change Depose Monarchs? Model predicts too-wet winter refuges

    A computer analysis suggests that eastern monarch butterflies may not be able to tolerate the increasingly moist climate in Mexico, their current wintering site.

  2. Ecosystems

    Fly may be depleting U.S. giant silk moths

    A parasitic fly introduced to fight gypsy moths starting in 1906 may be an overlooked factor in the declines of giant silk moths.

  3. Learning to Listen

    Disparate groups of creatures, including bats, toothed whales, and birds, have evolved biological sonar that they use to track prey, but other creatures have evolved ways to detect this sonar and thereby increase their odds of survival.

  4. Math

    Flight of the Bumblebee

    The notion that scientists proved bumblebees can't fly has a long legacy.

  5. How butterflies can eat cyanide

    Some newly recognized chemical wizardry lets some Heliconius caterpillars thrive on leaves that defend themselves with cyanide.

  6. Tech

    Matrix Realized

    Devices called brain-computer interfaces could give paralyzed patients the ability to flex mechanical limbs, steer a motorized wheelchair, or operate robots through sheer brainpower.

  7. Agriculture

    Rethinking Refuges? Drifting pollen may bring earlier pest resistance to bioengineered crops

    Pollen wafting from bioengineered corn to traditional varieties may be undermining the fight to keep pests from evolving resistance to pesticides.

  8. How the Butterfly Gets Its Spots

    The spots on a butterfly wing turn out to be unusually good model systems for a range of disciplines from genetics to behavioral ecology, offering biologists a chance to paint the really big picture of how evolution works.

  9. Anthropology

    Remnants of the Past

    Sophisticated analyses suggest that some prehistoric peoples were highly skilled weavers.

  10. Earth

    Bioengineered crops have mixed eco effects

    An unusually large test of the ecological impact of genetically modified crops finds mixed results, depending on the crop.

  11. Animals

    He and she cooperate on anti-aphrodisiacs

    Scientists have for the first time identified a chemical that serves as a butterfly anti-aphrodisiac.

  12. Animals

    Musical Pairs: Egg-deploying bird species divide for a song

    A new genetic analysis bolsters the idea that musical taste, rather than geography, split Africa's indigobirds into multiple species.
