Search Results for: Butterflies

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1,025 results
  1. Animals

    Moths’ memories

    Sphinx moths appear to remember experiences they had as caterpillars, suggesting some brain cells remain intact through metamorphosis.

  2. Life

    Darwin’s Evolution

    Darwin's life and his contribution to science.

  3. Health & Medicine

    You Are Who You Are by Default

    A neural network active when the brain is at rest may prove critical to zoning out, a sense of self and envisioning the future.

  4. Animals

    Sexy side of UV-B

    The first evidence of ultraviolet-B courtship in animals comes from jumping spiders.

  5. Planetary Science

    Huge cyclone churns at Saturn’s north pole

    Planetary scientists have gotten their closest look yet at polar storms on the ringed planet. These polar cyclones are big enough to engulf Earth.

  6. Life

    The Arctic isn’t alone

    Insects and other animals that regulate their body temperature externally may be especially vulnerable as the world warms.

  7. Animals

    Live fast, die young

    With a lifespan of just five months, the chameleon Furcifer labordi leads a briefer life than any other land-dwelling vertebrate.

  8. Agriculture

    Bee-Loved Plantings

    Zipcode-organized guidelines tell gardeners, farmers and others how to design a landscape that will not only entice pollinators but also keep these horticultural helpers happy.

  9. Life

    Nearly immortal sea creature spreads

    Hydrozoan with reversible life cycle now found worldwide.

  10. Earth

    Hued Afterglow: Fingerprinting diamonds via phosphorescence

    The eerie phosphorescence displayed by a rare form of blue diamond can be used as an easy, cheap, and nondestructive way to identify individual gemstones and to distinguish natural blue diamonds from synthetic ones.

  11. Life

    A Most Private Evolution

    The most dramatic examples of the power of evolutionary theory may come from the strange and ugly stuff — biology too dumb to have been designed.

  12. Earth

    More Than Monarchs

    More Than exists to raise awareness about the devastating impact of illegal logging on the environment and local communities in the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve in central Mexico. The Web site provides a platform for villagers, community leaders, government officials, and other people to communicate and collaborate toward ending the destruction of forests that […]
