Search Results for: Bees

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1,506 results

1,506 results for: Bees

  1. Animals

    Bees log flight distances, train with maps

    After decades of work, scientists crack two problems of how bees navigate: reading bee odometers and mapping training flights.

  2. Computing

    Calculating Swarms

    Ant teamwork suggests models for computing faster and organizing better.

  3. Animals

    The whole beehive gets a fever…

    When bee larvae are fighting off disease, the nest temperature rises, so the whole hive gets a fever.

  4. Agriculture

    Killer bees boost coffee yields

    Even self-pollinating coffee plants benefit substantially from visits by insect pollinators.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Shots stop allergic reactions to venom

    An immune therapy prevents allergic reactions to the sting of the jack jumper ant, a pest common to Australia.

  6. Humans

    From the October 29, 1932, issue

    THE OWL AND THE PUSSYCAT RIVALS AT MOUSE-CATCHING One of the favorite riddles of childhood was, “Spell ‘mousetrap’ in three letters”; and the answer was “C-A-T.” With even more appropriateness, the answer might have been “O-W-L,” for the Owl is an even better mousetrap than the Pussycat, besides being somewhat more restrained in the matter […]

  7. Promiscuity in guppies has its virtues

    Mating with multiple partners benefits the female Trinidadian guppy and her offspring by reducing gestation time and producing youngsters more adept at forming protective schools and at evading capture.

  8. Animals

    Better Than Real: Males prefer flower’s scent to female wasp’s

    In an extreme case of sex fakery, an orchid produces oddball chemicals to mimic a female wasp's allure so well that males prefer the flower scent to the real thing.

  9. Unsure Minds

    A controversial set of studies indicates that monkeys and dolphins know when they don't know the answer to certain tasks, an ability that presumably relies on conscious deliberations.

  10. Ecosystems

    The Buzz over Coffee

    Most people consider the continued spread of Africanized honeybees in the Americas as horrifying news. Nicknamed killer bees, these notorious social insects rile into stinging mobs with little provocation. But new research finds evidence that these irritable insects have been performing a hitherto unrecognized service for people around the world. They’ve helped keep down the […]

  11. Animals

    The truth is, frogs bluff and crabs cheat

    Two research teams say they've caught wild animals bluffing, only the second and third examples (outside of primate antics) ever recorded.

  12. 19129

    This article is surely wrong in stating that the honey badger shuns meat. It aggressively attacks snakes and small mammals, as well as invades bees’ nests for honey. Derek WallentinsenSan Pedro, Calif. I was looking at the picture of the animal’s skull and wondering how large it is. There’s no scale for reference, so I […]
