Search Results for: Bears

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6,775 results

6,775 results for: Bears

  1. 19310

    Like most environmental journalism, the article describes the problem well but not the solution. It would be useful if information about native landscaping were included in this article as an alternative to non-native species. Frank HasslerChampaign, Ill. Your interesting piece on invasive plants touched upon, but otherwise ignored, mycoherbicides for control of noxious weeds. Mycoherbicides, […]

  2. Moms and pups sniff out immune genes

    Genes involved in the immune system also create individualized body odors that allow parents and offspring to recognize each other.

  3. 19206

    Your article has a picture of a “deer stone.” On it are engraved designs of reindeer that bear an astonishing resemblance to a tattoo borne by the 2,400-year old mummy discovered in 1993 in central Asia. Was this noticed by the researchers? Michelle BlanchardOlympia, Wash. Absolutely. William Fitzhugh, an expedition leader, says he was struck […]

  4. The Naked Truth? Lice hint at a recent origin of clothing

    A study of genetic differences among human lice hints at the origin of clothing.

  5. Chemistry

    Drug smugglers leave cellular tracks

    Imaging reveals where some experimental nanoscale capsules ferry drugs when they enter cells.

  6. Down the Tubes: Amino acid proves key to plant reproduction

    An amino acid that human brain cells communicate with also has a role in plant sex.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Telltale Charts

    Overturning a basic tenet of conventional wisdom in cardiology, new research suggests that more than half the people who develop heart disease first show one of the warning signs of smoking, having diabetes, or having high blood pressure or cholesterol.

  8. 19155

    I think it’s more than coincidental that the sound repertoire of babbling babies, compared with the speech sounds in a diversity of languages across the world, lends credence to the idea that there was a mother tongue that goes back to prehistoric times. Readers of the Bible will recall that it was after the fall […]

  9. Humans

    From the June 24, 1933, issue

    LIGHTNING Lightning, most awesome of the spectacular forces of nature, has yielded some of its mystery to science. But not all. We no longer credit it, as did our ancestors, to an angry Zeus or an impetuous Thor. Since Ben Franklin flew his adventurous kites, nearly two centuries ago, we know it is “made of […]

  10. What’s Worth Saving?

    A fracas over a biological term could have huge consequences for conservation.

  11. Promiscuity in guppies has its virtues

    Mating with multiple partners benefits the female Trinidadian guppy and her offspring by reducing gestation time and producing youngsters more adept at forming protective schools and at evading capture.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Oh Boy—Is Mom Hungry!

    At birth, boys tend to weigh about 100 grams (3.5 ounces) more than girls. An international research team wondered whether that meant that boys’ moms ate more during pregnancy. In data published this week, the scientists now confirm that’s exactly what happens. Though women eat more when carrying a boy, they don’t gain more weight […]
