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6,745 results
  1. Paleontology

    L.A.’s Oldest Tourist Trap

    Modern excavations at the La Brea tar pits are revealing a wealth of information about local food chains during recent ice ages, as well as details about what happened to trapped animals in their final hours.

  2. Mother and Child Disunion

    Data on extensive giveaways of daughters by their mothers in northern Taiwan a century ago may challenge influential theories of innate maternal sentiments.

  3. Tailoring Therapies: Cloned human embryo provides stem cells

    Scientists have for the first time carried test-tube cloning of a human embryo to the stage at which it can yield stem cells.

  4. Paleontology

    Oh, what a sticky web they wove

    A look inside a piece of 130-million-year-old amber has revealed a thin filament of spider silk with sticky droplets that look just like those produced by modern spiders.

  5. From the February 3, 1934, issue

    alt=”Click to view larger image”> SHORT-WAVE PHONE SYSTEM SERVES BRIDGE BUILDERS Curiously, radio is helping to build a bridge. Special short-wave transmitting and receiving sets make possible communication among groups of contractors scattered on land and water along the eight-and-one-quarter-mile route of work on the San Francisco-Oakland bridge. These men on the job also talk […]

  6. Anthropology

    Jaw-dropping find emerges from Stone Age cave

    A nearly complete lower jaw discovered in a Romanian cave last year and dating to around 35,000 years ago may represent the oldest known example of anatomically modern Homo sapiens in Europe.

  7. Earth

    Pieces of a Pulverizer? Sediment fragments may be from killer space rock

    Scientists sifting sediments laid down just after Earth's most devastating mass extinction 250 million years ago may have found minuscule fragments of the extraterrestrial object that caused the catastrophe.

  8. Humans

    Science News of the Year 2000

    A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the year 2000.

  9. Earth

    Ash Clouds: Severe storms can lift smoke into stratosphere

    New field observations, satellite images, and computer models suggest that a severe thunderstorm, enhanced by heat from forest fires, can boost soot, smoke, and other particles as far as the lower stratosphere, an unexpected phenomenon.

  10. Earth

    Ash Clouds: Severe storms can lift smoke into stratosphere

    New field observations, satellite images, and computer models suggest that a severe thunderstorm, enhanced by heat from forest fires, can boost soot, smoke, and other particles as far as the lower stratosphere, an unexpected phenomenon.

  11. Beyond Clots: Platelets in blood may guide immune response

    Platelets, best known for their ability to create blood clots in wounds, may also have a role in the immune system.

  12. Tech

    Sixth Sense

    A budding technology called electric field imaging may soon enable devices such as appliances, toys, and computers to detect the presence of people and respond to their motions.
