Search Results for: Bears

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6,745 results
  1. Kibble for Thought: Dog diversity prompts new evolution theory

    A genetic mutation that researchers have examined in several dog breeds may drive evolution in many other species.

  2. Babies’ sound path to language skills

    A test of early speech perception shows promise as a way to identify 6-month-olds headed for language difficulties as toddlers.

  3. Animals

    Policing egg laying in insect colonies

    Kinship by itself can't explain the vigilante justice of some ant, bee, and wasp workers.

  4. Anthropology

    Faithful Ancestors

    A controversial fossil analysis supports the view that, more than 3 million years ago, human ancestors living in eastern Africa favored long-term mating partnerships.

  5. Tech

    Quantum dots light up cancer cells in mice

    Brightly fluorescent crystals known as quantum dots have the potential to seek out cancerous cells in the body, a trick that could lead to highly precise cancer screening.

  6. Abused kids lose emotional bearings

    Physical abuse and neglect appear to undermine preschoolers' emotional development in different ways.

  7. Earth

    Fighting Water with Water: To lift the city, pump the sea beneath Venice

    With technology commonly used in oil fields, engineers could inject large volumes of seawater into sandy strata deep beneath Venice, Italy, to reverse the ground subsidence that plagues the city.

  8. Humans

    From the April 14, 1934, issue

    Yawning spells, disagreeable alcohols from anaerobic respiration, and how antibodies protect adults from disease.

  9. Suppressed thoughts rebound in dreams

    Thoughts that are consciously suppressed during the day often pop up in dreams, regardless of whether they involve emotionally charged desires, a new study suggests.

  10. Planetary Science

    Roving on the Red Planet

    Scientists review the discoveries made by the Mars rovers after nearly 18 months on the Red Planet.

  11. Animals

    Comeback Bird

    Looking for a long-lost woodpecker had its special challenges, including anticipating what would happen if the hunt actually succeeded.

  12. Planetary Science

    Mars Rovers: New evidence of past water

    Twin rovers on opposite sides of the Red Planet have found additional evidence that liquid water once flowed there.
