Search Results for: Bears

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6,745 results
  1. Questions on the Couch

    A new policy statement on evidence-based practice from the American Psychological Association illustrates the intense struggle among researchers and clinicians over how best to study the effectiveness of psychotherapy in its many forms.

  2. Paleontology

    The last ice age wasn’t totally icy

    Radiocarbon dating of fossils taken from caves on islands along Alaska's southeastern coast suggest that at least a portion of the area remained ice-free during the last ice age.

  3. Plants

    Save the Flowers

    Now that breeders have created thousands of new ornamental-flower varieties, scientists are turning their attention to restoring the fragrances that fell victim to the process.

  4. Earth

    Nonstick Pollution Sticks in People

    A new study reveals high blood concentrations of a potentially toxic component of nonstick products in people near a plant making Teflon.

  5. Materials Science

    A hard new material with a soft touch

    Adding exotic substances called quasicrystals to polymers creates nonabrasive hard materials, which could soon serve as coatings in machine parts.

  6. Humans

    From the February 9, 1935, issue

    A new type of sailboat, the most distant nebula, and germs on drinking glasses.

  7. Physics

    Marrying matter and light

    Physicists have created circuit components that, in a manner analogous to atoms, meld with light, opening new ways to study fundamental light-matter interactions.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Potent Medicine

    Drugs now used to treat erectile dysfunction might soon assume multiple roles in managing heart disease and other conditions, including some that affect women and infants.

  9. Materials Science

    Something to Chew On

    Researchers are closer than ever to making synthetic enamel to improve dental implants and perhaps to grow a whole tooth from scratch.

  10. Humans

    From the December 8, 1934, issue

    Goose barnacles, the formation of elements, and the nature of cosmic rays.

  11. Paleontology

    Pieces of an Ancestor: African site yields new look at ancient species

    Fossils unearthed at sites in eastern Africa provide a rare look at Ardipithecus ramidus, a member of the human evolutionary family that lived more than 4 million years ago.

  12. Plants

    Mommy Greenest

    Green leafy moms take care of their offspring in ways that go beyond wrapping them in nice, snug seed coats and packing a nutritious lunch for them.
