Search Results for: Bears

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6,791 results for: Bears

  1. Humans

    A Galling Business

    Efforts are under way to halt both poaching and inhumane farming of bears to supply bile, an ingredient used in traditional Asian medicine.

  2. Humans

    From the December 19 & 26, 1936, issues

    CHRISTMAS HOLLY TREES HAVE THEIR FLOWERS TOO Despite the popularity of the familiar red holly berries for Christmas decorations, few of us are familiar with the rare beauty of the holly tree’s flower. The illustration on the front cover of this week’s Science News Letter is one of the superb enlargements in Walter E. Rogers’ […]

  3. Humans

    From the February 29, 1936, issue

    Giant pandas on display, keeping organs alive, and light from the night sky.

  4. Humans

    Letters from the July 15, 2006, issue of Science News

    People want to know “Sharing the Health: Cells from unusual mice make others cancerfree” (SN: 5/13/06, p. 292) reported that years ago it was discovered that certain male mice eradicate cancer cells and that white blood cells from these mice make normal mice cancer resistant. It also reported that it is superpremature to look forward […]

  5. Earth

    Macho Moms: Perchlorate pollutant masculinizes fish

    Perchlorate, a compound best known as a component of rocket fuel, can disrupt sexual development in fish.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Ready-to-eat spinach bears tough microbes

    Bagged spinach may contain a significant number of bacteria, many of which are resistant to several antibiotics.

  7. Humans

    From the August 15, 1936, issue

    Art fit for a king, healing wounds, and cops and robbers in the blood.

  8. Anthropology

    Digging up debate in a French cave

    A scientific debate has broken out over whether a French cave excavated more than 50 years ago contains evidence of separate Stone Age occupations by Neandertals and modern humans.

  9. Humans

    Letters from the December 17, 2005, issue of Science News

    C plus Ewan Cameron, who in 1971 began to collaborate with Linus Pauling on vitamin C and cancer, typically initiated patients with 10 grams per day of vitamin C given intravenously for about 2 weeks, followed by an oral dosage continued indefinitely. The two Mayo Clinic trials referred to in “Vitamin C may treat cancer […]

  10. 19601

    Nothing was said in your article about the situation in Canada, where killing bears for their gallbladders and paws is a serious problem. I suggest that you contact TRAFFIC North America and the World Wildlife Fund–Canada for detailed information on the problem in Canada. Abby SchwarzVancouver, British Columbia The article states, “Traditional medicine has been […]

  11. Earth

    Multifaceted Mineral: Intense heat, pressure bear new form of silica

    By squeezing a mineral sample to pressures higher than those deep within Earth, then zapping it with a laser, scientists have created a crystalline form of silicon dioxide previously unknown on Earth.

  12. Earth

    Seismic Speed Traps: Iron-rich regions may slow deep-Earth vibes

    Large quantities of iron-rich minerals may be responsible for the sluggishness of seismic waves traveling through certain regions deep within Earth.
