Search Results for: Bears

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6,745 results
  1. Earth

    Blast Survivors: Fragments of asteroid found in ancient crater

    Pieces of an asteroid that blasted a 70-kilometer-wide crater in southern Africa millions of years ago may have been found intact inside the thick layer of once-molten rock that the impact left behind.

  2. Math

    Euler’s Bridges

    A well-known puzzle about bridges led to a pioneering paper in topology.

  3. Planetary Science

    Red Planet Express: Mars spacecraft traces a watery tale

    A Mars-orbiting spacecraft has provided new details about when and where liquid water existed on the planet.

  4. Earth

    New Estimates of the Shark-Fin Trade

    A new study of the Asian fish market yields a disturbing estimate of how many sharks are killed each year to satisfy demand for a pricy Asian soup.

  5. Inherit the Warmer Wind

    The genetic makeup of organisms ranging from fruit flies to birds appears to be changing in response to global warming.

  6. Archaeology

    From prison yard to holy ground

    Archaeological excavations at a prison near Megiddo, Israel, have unearthed the remains of what may be one of the region's oldest Christian churches.

  7. Grown-Up Connections: Mice, monkeys remake brain links as adults

    Two new studies offer a glimpse of extensive remodeling of nerve connections in the brain's outer layer, or cortex, during adulthood in mice and monkeys.

  8. Animals

    Why Play Dead?

    Common wisdom dictates that playing dead discourages predators, but researchers are now thinking harder about how, or whether, that strategy really works.

  9. Archaeology

    Stone Age Britons pay surprise visit

    Estimated to be roughly 700,000 years old, stone tools recently unearthed along England's southeastern coast are the earliest evidence of human ancestors in northern Europe.

  10. Planetary Science

    Cassini snaps icy moon Dione

    Saturn's small moon Dione has a heavily-cratered, fractured surface.

  11. Earth

    Tiny Bubbles: Oldest evidence yet for methane makers

    Analyses of the gases dissolved in water trapped in ancient minerals suggest that methane-generating microbes have been around almost 3.5 billion years.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Got Data? Consuming calcium, dairy doesn’t keep off weight

    Dairy products and other calcium-containing foods don't prevent weight gain, according to a 12-year study of middle-aged men.
