Search Results for: Bears

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6,745 results
  1. Past Impressions

    New research sheds light on the century-old concept of transference, a mental process in which people re-experience past relationships in new interactions.

  2. Ecosystems

    Slime Dwellers

    The health of corals, and their adaptability in the face of adversity, may rest largely on the microbes they recruit into a slime that coats their surfaces.

  3. Paleontology

    Remains may be an evolutionary relic

    Fossils recently found in southwestern China may be of a lineage that originated long before the Cambrian explosion of biodiversity, when most major groups of animals first appeared in the fossil record.

  4. Earth

    Toxic Tides: Another reason to worry about hurricanes

    The hurricanes that struck Florida in the summer of 2004 also may have triggered an intense, widespread, and long-lasting red tide that afflicted the state's west-central coast throughout 2005.

  5. Agriculture

    Ethanol Juggernaut Diverts Corn from Food to Fuel

    Corn feeds the production of meat and dairy goods in the United States, so those products are likely to increase in price as ethanol fuel demands more of the country's corn supply.

  6. Archaeology

    Jarring clues to Tut’s white wine

    Chemical analyses of residue from jars found in King Tutankhamen's tomb have yielded the first evidence of white wine in ancient Egypt.

  7. Astronomy

    Pay Dirt: Cometary dust collector comes home

    A capsule containing dust collected from the comet Wild-2 safely landed in the Utah desert.

  8. Humans

    From the October 31, 1936, issue

    Ancient Egyptian tombstones, political party preferences, and a new record for starvation.

  9. Animals

    Just turn your back, Mom

    A female in a species of legless amphibians called caecilians nourishes her youngsters by letting them eat the skin off her back.

  10. 19678

    This article reported that years ago it was discovered that certain male mice eradicate cancer cells and that white blood cells from these mice make normal mice cancer resistant. It also reported that it is superpremature to look forward to clinical applications. It would seem that aggressive searches for remission of cancer in humans with […]

  11. Moss Express: Insects and mites tote mosses’ sperm

    A lab test has shown that mosses have their own version animal-courier system for sperm that's similar to pollination.

  12. Humans

    From the November 16, 1935, issue

    Bears on a diet, aluminum-plated steel, and a new test of relativity theory.
