Search Results for: Bears

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6,775 results

6,775 results for: Bears

  1. Anthropology

    They’re fake, Indy!

    Scientists find that two rock crystal skulls often attributed to pre-Columbian societies are really modern phonies.

  2. Animal Origins: Genome reveals early complexity

    Analysis of DNA from a choanoflagellate, the closest known living nonanimal relative of animals, allows scientists to infer the genetic starter kit possessed by the first animal.

  3. Astronomy

    In the Beginning: More early clues for life at home, out there

    Astronomers move closer to understanding how life arose on Earth and how it could arise elsewhere.

  4. Ecosystems

    On Whales’ Appetites: What a Waste

    An advocacy group and renowned scientist floundered in an attempt to compel opinion shapers with the science showing that industrial fleets, not whales, pose a serious threat to fish stocks.

  5. Humans

    From the September 4, 1937, issue

    Growling grizzlies star at Yellowstone, radioactive dating puts Earth's age at less than 3 billion years, and a suggestion that overanxious parents can turn their children into stutterers.

  6. Math

    A building of bubbles

    Math Trek: The National Aquatics Center in Beijing, newly built for the Olympics, is a glowing cube of bubbles. The mathematics behind it are built around Lord Kelvin's tetrakaidecahedra and the physics of foam.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Getting the Red Out: Drug improves kids’ psoriasis symptoms

    The rheumatoid arthritis drug etanercept clears up psoriasis in children and may become the first systemic medication for the ailment in youngsters.

  8. Earth

    A Feverish World

    What's behind global warming—and is there anything we can do?

  9. Humans

    From the January 8, 1938, issue

    Social scientist named AAAS president, rarest of the rare found high in the air, and an unusual joint for a skull.

  10. Climate

    Boreal forests shift north

    As forests move northward and to higher elevations, they alter ecosystems and threaten to further heat the Arctic's already warming climate.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Perchlorate: A Saga Continues

    Perchlorate is not yet a household word in many parts of the country. But it may becomes one if Sen. Barbara Boxer has her way. Perchlorate – an ingredient in solid rocket fuel, fireworks, flares and explosives – taints drinking-water supplies around the nation, not to mention plenty of foods. In animal tests, the pollutant […]

  12. Earth

    Hibernation concentrates chemicals

    Some pollutants accumulate in grizzlies during the bears' hibernation.
