Search Results for: Bears
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6,791 results for: Bears
Limiting Damage: Fragile X symptoms modulated in mice
Reducing activity of a gene in mice alleviates many of the symptoms of fragile X syndrome, a genetic defect that causes mental retardation in people.
- Humans
Stone Age innovation out of Africa
Researchers have dated two innovative Stone Age tool industries in southern Africa that may have helped spur human migrations out of Africa.
By Bruce Bower -
Science News at AAAS 2009
The American Association for the Advancement of Science is holding its annual meeting February 12 through 16 in Chicago. Leading researchers from all fields will discuss recent work and insights. Check here for the latest news from the SN writers attending the meeting.
By Science News - Life
Stone Age gal gets hip
Researchers have found an approximately 1-million-year-old fossil pelvis that, in their view, indicates that Homo erectus females gave birth to surprisingly big-brained babies.
By Bruce Bower - Humans
BOOK REVIEW | Naked in the Woods: Joseph Knowles and the Legacy of Frontier Fakery
Review by Davide Castelvecchi.
- Archaeology
Really Cool History
Tales of the black band: Clues to a 4,200-year-old mystery lie frozen in icy records stored atop Mt. Kilimanjaro.
By Janet Raloff -
Building Beauty
Deconstructing flowers yields the secrets of petals, scents and hue.
- Earth
One Rockin’ Library
This dusty library saves the geo-curious a trip to Antarctica.
By Janet Raloff - Plants
Bittersweet fruits
A new study provides strong evidence that fruits harm predators with the same chemicals that, for example, give chili peppers their spice.
- Plants
Promiscuous orchids
When pollinators aren't loyal to a single species of orchid, the plants maintain their species integrity by stymieing reproduction.
Cold Panacea
Two researchers proclaimed 20 years ago that they’d achieved cold fusion, the ultimate energy solution. The work went nowhere, but the hope remains.
- Animals
Den Mothers: Bears shift dens as ice deteriorates
As Arctic ice has dwindled, pregnant polar bears in northern Alaska have become more likely to dig their birthing dens on land or nearshore ice than on floating masses of sea ice.
By Susan Milius