Search Results for: Bears

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6,745 results
  1. Plants

    Floral Shocker: Blooms shake roots of flowering-plant family

    A tiny aquatic plant, once thought to be related to grasses, raises new questions about the evolution of the earliest flowering plants.

  2. Animals

    Pandamonium over a Tiny Pest

    A parasite threatens efforts to protect China's endangered icon.

  3. Materials Science

    Live Another Day: African insect survives drought in glassy state

    When dehydrated, the larvae of an African fly replace the water in their cells with a sugar, which solidifies and helps keep cellular structures intact.

  4. Humans

    Data Recycling and Other No-No’s

    At least one editor argues that maintaining the ethical behavior of journal authors requires constant policing.

  5. Animals

    Not so prudish after all

    Unsuspected genetic diversity found in asexual animals.

  6. Humans

    Letters from the February 9, 2008, issue of Science News

    Small, or just invisible? “Heavy Find: Weighty neutron stars may rule out exotic core” (SN: 1/12/08, p. 20) says that the companion star of the pulsar PSR B1516+02B must be “tiny” because it cannot be seen. Isn’t it possible that the companion is made of dark matter? Is there a “wobble” test or other way […]

  7. Health & Medicine

    Six-legged Arthritis Relief

    Here's a novel health food I learned about this morning--one that could be free for the gleaning right outside your front door (especially if you live in China). Warning: You have to be quick or it will get away.

  8. Anthropology

    They’re fake, Indy!

    Scientists find that two rock crystal skulls often attributed to pre-Columbian societies are really modern phonies.

  9. Animal Origins: Genome reveals early complexity

    Analysis of DNA from a choanoflagellate, the closest known living nonanimal relative of animals, allows scientists to infer the genetic starter kit possessed by the first animal.

  10. Astronomy

    In the Beginning: More early clues for life at home, out there

    Astronomers move closer to understanding how life arose on Earth and how it could arise elsewhere.

  11. Ecosystems

    On Whales’ Appetites: What a Waste

    An advocacy group and renowned scientist floundered in an attempt to compel opinion shapers with the science showing that industrial fleets, not whales, pose a serious threat to fish stocks.

  12. Humans

    From the September 4, 1937, issue

    Growling grizzlies star at Yellowstone, radioactive dating puts Earth's age at less than 3 billion years, and a suggestion that overanxious parents can turn their children into stutterers.
