Search Results for: Bears

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6,775 results

6,775 results for: Bears

  1. Life

    FDA releases guidelines for genetically modified animals

    Draft rules lay out policies for approving altered animals, including those used for food.

  2. Space

    Making an impression

    In its seventh day after successfully landing on the Red Planet, the Phoenix Lander digs its first trench and is ready to start its ice-hunting.

  3. The iron record of Earth’s oxygen

    Scientists are decoding the geological secrets of banded iron formations.

  4. Space

    Dispatch from Mars, Sol 9

    The Phoenix Lander's robotic arm scoops its first experimental sample, and scientists prepare to start their scientific studies on the Martian soil.

  5. Life

    How the snake got its fangs

    A study of snake embryos suggests that fangs evolved once, then moved around in the head to give today’s snakes a variety of bites.

  6. Limiting Damage: Fragile X symptoms modulated in mice

    Reducing activity of a gene in mice alleviates many of the symptoms of fragile X syndrome, a genetic defect that causes mental retardation in people.

  7. Humans

    Stone Age innovation out of Africa

    Researchers have dated two innovative Stone Age tool industries in southern Africa that may have helped spur human migrations out of Africa.

  8. Science News at AAAS 2009

    The American Association for the Advancement of Science is holding its annual meeting February 12 through 16 in Chicago. Leading researchers from all fields will discuss recent work and insights. Check here for the latest news from the SN writers attending the meeting.

  9. Life

    Stone Age gal gets hip

    Researchers have found an approximately 1-million-year-old fossil pelvis that, in their view, indicates that Homo erectus females gave birth to surprisingly big-brained babies.

  10. Humans

    BOOK REVIEW | Naked in the Woods: Joseph Knowles and the Legacy of Frontier Fakery

    Review by Davide Castelvecchi.

  11. Archaeology

    Really Cool History

    Tales of the black band: Clues to a 4,200-year-old mystery lie frozen in icy records stored atop Mt. Kilimanjaro.

  12. Building Beauty

    Deconstructing flowers yields the secrets of petals, scents and hue.
