Search Results for: Bears

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6,791 results

6,791 results for: Bears

  1. Science & Society

    2010 Nobels recognize potential of basic science to shape the world

    Prizes go to IVF, graphene and ‘carbon chemistry at its best’

    By , and
  2. Animals

    Wolverine: Climate warming threatens comeback

    BLOG: New data point to unexpected sociability and filial behavior in carnivore.

  3. Space

    Mars shows signs of recent activity

    The surface of Mars had abundant liquid water as well as volcanic activity during the past 100 million years, a new study of the Martian atmosphere suggests.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Gut bacteria reflect dietary differences

    A comparison of African and European children concludes that high-fiber, low-fat diets cultivate healthier intestinal microflora.

  5. Black Holes in the Bathtub

    Scientists observe Hawking radiation in unexpected materials.

  6. Anthropology

    ‘Java Man’ takes age to extremes

    New dating of Indonesian strata has produced unexpected results.

  7. Animals

    Controversial polar bear rule stands

    Creature’s plight remains separate from decisions on greenhouse gas emissions.

  8. Tech

    Tar sands ‘fingerprint’ seen in rivers and snow

    A new study refutes a government claim (one echoed by industry) that the gonzo-scale extraction of tar sands in western Canada — and their processing into crude oil — does not substantially pollute the environment.

  9. Chemistry

    Yeast bred to bear artificial vanilla

    Researchers have co-opted fungi to produce the flavor more efficiently.

  10. Life

    Fecal architecture is beetle armor

    Predators have a hard time getting through the layers of excrement some beetle moms give their young.

  11. Humans

    Graffiti on the walls in Pompeii

    News from the Archaeological Institute of America's annual meeting in Anaheim, Calif.

  12. Animals

    Climate change may favor couch-potato elk

    With drought and rising temperatures in Wyoming, migratory animals suffer while stay-at-home members of the same herd thrive
