Search Results for: Bears
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6,775 results for: Bears
Keeping black bears wild
Wildlife managers compare ways to keep bears away from food and people.
A cougar in Connecticut
Using DNA and trailside cameras, wildlife biologists retrace the 18-month, 2,000-mile journey of a young male cat.
By Nadia Drake -
Stone Age cold case baffles scientists
Stone-tool makers who hunkered down near Arctic Circle left uncertain clues to their identity.
By Bruce Bower -
Book Review: Massive: The Missing Particle That Sparked the Greatest Hunt in Science by Ian Sample
Review by Marissa Cevallos.
By Science News -
Complex life hit freshwater early
Tiny fossils in Scottish rock show that cells with nuclei had spread beyond the seas by a billion years ago.
By Susan Milius -
New Takes on Historic Quakes
Two centuries on, scientists revisit the magnitudes of New Madrid’s biggest rumbles.
By Science News -
Ancient DNA suggests polar bears evolved recently
A study of a rare Norwegian fossil narrows down when polar bears evolved and finds they are closely related to modern-day brown bears in Alaska.
By Sid Perkins -
2011 AAAS meeting: Science without borders
A round-up of Science News coverage of the the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting held February 17–21, 2011 in Washington, D.C.
By Science News -
Doing the wet-dog wiggle
Hairy animals have evolved to shed water quickly by shaking at the optimal speed for their size.
A taste of the chocolate genome
Competing teams have announced the impending completion of the cacao DNA sequence.
Health & Medicine
Digging into the roots of lupus
Two new studies implicate common white blood cells called neutrophils in this autoimmune disease.
By Nathan Seppa