Search Results for: Bears

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6,775 results

6,775 results for: Bears

  1. Anthropology

    Sticks, stones and bones reveal emergence of a hunter-gatherer culture

    A cave in southern Africa was occupied by people very much like those living in the region today.

  2. Humans

    Apocalypse, not so fast

    Guatemalan find suggests mention of a date far in the future served a Maya king’s immediate needs.

  3. Archaeology

    Oldest pottery comes from Chinese cave

    New dates show that East Asian hunter-gatherers fired up cooking vessels 20,000 years ago.

  4. Frozen Planet: A World Beyond Imagination by Alastair Fothergill and Vanessa Berlowitz

    Journey with four polar denizens — polar bear, Arctic fox, Adélie penguin and wandering albatross — through seasonal changes in this companion to a BBC television series. Firefly Books, 2011, 312 p., $39.95

  5. Health & Medicine

    Ovulation spurred by newfound semen ingredient

    A common growth-boosting protein may act as a pregnancy-protecting hormone in humans.

  6. 2011 Science News of the Year: Life

    Multicellular life from a test tube In less than two months, yeast in a test tube evolved from single-celled life to bristly multicellular structures. The new, snowflakelike forms act like multicellular organisms, reproducing by splitting when they reach large sizes and evolving further in response to harsh conditions, William Ratcliff of the University of Minnesota, […]

  7. Health & Medicine

    Cartilage Creation

    New joint tissue could keep people moving, reducing need for knee or hip replacements.

  8. Life

    Stem cell treatment spurs cartilage growth

    A small molecule called kartogenin prompts the manufacture of lost connective tissue in mice.

  9. Humans

    Maya wall calendar discovered

    Classic-era structure displays rare calculations of lunar and planetary cycles.

  10. Earth

    Carbonation brings diamonds to surface

    Chemical reactions deep inside the Earth fuel magma’s gem-laden upward journey.

  11. Space

    More like Faux-malhaut b

    The Spitzer Space Telescope fails to find a visible planet circling where Hubble saw one four years ago.

  12. The Great White Bear: A Natural and Unnatural History of the Polar Bear by Kieran Mulvaney

    Starting with the fact that polar bears have black skin, this book offers surprises and up-to-date information about the Arctic’s iconic top predator. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011, 251 p., $26.
