Search Results for: Bears

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6,745 results
  1. Earth

    Life under ice

    Lake Vostok may harbor ingredients for a complex subglacial ecosystem.

  2. Buzzword bingo

    Game brings entertainment to genetics meeting.

  3. Life

    Contender for world’s oldest dinosaur identified

    An African specimen suggests the lineage may have arisen 15 million years earlier than thought.

  4. Life

    Dinosaur embryos were restless, speedy growers

    Hundreds of fossils found in China suggest some unhatched dinos kicked their legs.

  5. Lessons from the Torpid

    Hibernators have some helpful tips for keeping humans healthy

  6. Letters

    Cartilage risk I enjoyed Nathan Seppa’s article “Cartilage creation,” (SN: 8/11/12, p. 22) about attempts to generate new cartilage from somatic stem cells. He writes that cartilage evolved “in ancestors who lived shorter lives, carried less body weight and roamed an unpaved world.” Implications: The risk of osteoarthritis increases with age, body weight and impact […]

  7. Tech

    Building robots that slither

    Howie Choset is a roboticist, but his team’s creations bear little resemblance to C-3PO or R2-D2. Instead, Choset finds inspiration in nature — specifically, snakes.

  8. Humans

    Ancient hominid had an unusual diet

    A long-extinct member of the human evolutionary family had an uncommon taste for grasses and sedges.

  9. Animals

    A Different Kind of Smart

    Animals’ cognitive shortcomings are as revealing as their genius.

  10. Archaeology

    A king’s final hours, told by his mortal remains

    The skeleton of Richard III reveals a violent and chaotic end for a controversial English monarch.

  11. Math

    After nailing 2012 elections, number crunchers suggest pollsters are asking the wrong question

  12. Space

    Atom & Cosmos

    The gassy halo engulfing the Milky Way, a comet in the neighborhood, and extraterrestrial rocks as the source of life on Earth.
