Search Results for: Bears

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6,745 results
  1. Anthropology

    American Association of Physical Anthropologists meeting

    Perhaps the oldest swatch of hominid skin yet found and –tzi the iceman’s Neandertal genetics are among the highlights from the physical anthropology meeting.

  2. Humans

    Pottery cooked from the start

    Japanese sites yield late Stone Age evidence of people heating fish in ceramic vessels.

  3. Chemistry

    Caffeine’s buzz attracts bees to flowers

    Nectar of some blooms carries the drug, which improves bee memory.

  4. Humans

    Human ancestors had taste for meat, brains

    A mix of hunting and scavenging fed carnivorous cravings of early Homo species.

  5. Life

    Ancient horse’s DNA fills in picture of equine evolution

    An entire genome compiled from a 700,000-year-old bone yields new information about equine history.

  6. Humans

    Smells like a bear raid

    Analysis of stock trading data suggests an effort to manipulate the market in 2007.

  7. Genetics

    Technique inactivates Down-causing chromosome

    Though far from a cure, the advance could eventually lead to gene therapy that alleviates some symptoms.

  8. Physics

    Hard times for theorists in a post-Higgs world

    The Large Hadron Collider’s big success leaves no clear avenue for new physics.

  9. Astronomy

    Quiet maximum

    By almost any measure, this solar maximum has been pathetic. No more than 67 sunspots have appeared in a month so far; at the last peak, in 2000, that number was above 120.

  10. Life

    Chill turns monarchs north

    Temperature manipulation appears to solve mystery of what triggers migratory butterflies’ homeward trip.

  11. Life

    The Violinist’s Thumb

    by Sam Kean.

  12. Science News Top 25

    Science News reviews the year in science with a compilation and analysis of the most fascinating stories reported in the magazine. Also highlighted are reader favorites, debunked science and the year's weirdest stories.
