Search Results for: Bears

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6,745 results
  1. Animals

    How to milk a naked mole-rat

    For the sake of science, Olav Oftedal has milked bats, bears and a lot of other mammals. But a naked mole-rat was something new.

  2. Health & Medicine

    How to read a book to your baby

    To help your baby get the most out of story time, turn the story into a conversation, not a monologue.

  3. Psychology

    Stereotypes might make ‘female’ hurricanes deadlier

    Precautions may get shelved by those in the path of severe storms with feminine names, leading some to suggest that storms should be named after animals.

  4. Climate

    Glacial microbes gobble methane

    While some bacteria produce methane in Greenland’s melting ice sheet, others may consume the greenhouse gas as it escapes.

  5. Animals


    Readers discuss mammal milk, ancient human genetics and hand washing techniques.

  6. Life

    Fungal fight club

    Combat between fungal individuals is a bit like war between heaps of spaghetti.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Mom’s nutrition puts a stamp on baby’s DNA

    A new study is the latest in a growing list of how the environment sculpts a person’s epigenome.

  8. Ecosystems

    Cities are brimming with wildlife worth studying

    Urban ecologists are getting a handle on the varieties of wildlife — including fungi, ants, bats and coyotes — that share sidewalks, parks and alleyways with a city’s human residents.

  9. Humans

    Fossils reveal a strong-armed, dead-end hominid

    Olduvai Gorge finds suggest extinct hominid both walked and hung out in trees.

  10. Life

    Neandertal genes point to interbreeding, inbreeding

    DNA from 50,000 years ago underscores modest levels of mating across hominid populations.

  11. Astronomy

    Most distant galaxy discovered

    Astronomers have observed a galaxy as it existed 700 million years after Big Bang.

  12. Earth

    Pumping carbon dioxide deep underground may trigger earthquakes

    Injecting carbon dioxide deep underground offers a promising way to curb global warming, but the extra pressure may cause faults to slip or fractures to release the buried gas.
