Search Results for: Bears

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6,745 results
  1. Planetary Science

    How alien can a planet be and still support life?

    Geoscientists imagine the unearthly mechanisms that could keep alien planets habitable.

  2. Flight delayed: There’s a coyote on the runway

    A new study tallies up airport incidents involving carnivores and finds coyotes are the biggest threat.

  3. Planetary Science

    New exoplanet: Big Earth or small Neptune?

    NASA’s Kepler spacecraft has discovered a “cousin” of Earth 1,400 light-years away. But even though the new planet bears many similarities to Earth, experts say much about it remains a mystery.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Recent advances may improve Jimmy Carter’s chances against melanoma

    Improvements in melanoma treatment over the last five years may aid former President Jimmy Carter’s battle against the disease.

  5. Astronomy

    Kepler telescope identifies new ‘habitable zone’ planet

    A new analysis of data from NASA’s Kepler mission has uncovered a planet orbiting a sunlike star that could be Earth’s “cousin.”

  6. Animals

    Panda stalking reveals panda hangouts

    Scientists used GPS trackers to learn about the giant panda lifestyle.

  7. Planetary Science

    Sea salt may stripe Europa’s surface

    Salt deposits on Jupiter’s moon Europa might be responsible for brown stripes on the icy satellite’s surface.

  8. Planetary Science

    Quest to trace origin of Earth’s water is ‘a complete mess’

    Understanding the origin of Earth’s water is hard enough, and it’s made harder by not knowing where all that water is hiding.

  9. Anthropology

    Ancient pottery maps route to South Pacific

    New Guinea pottery points to a key meeting of island natives and seafarers at least 3,000 years ago.

  10. Plants

    How slow plants make ridiculous seeds

    Coco de mer palms scrimp, save and take not quite forever creating the world’s largest seeds.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Cells from fat mend bone, cartilage, muscle and even the heart

    Stem cells and other components of fat can be coerced to grow into bone, cartilage, muscle or to repair the heart.

  12. Plants

    Beetle RNA makes crops a noxious meal

    When beetles munch plants bearing their RNA, genes the bugs need to survive are turned off.
