Search Results for: Bears

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6,745 results
  1. Paleontology

    T. rex’s silly-looking arms were built for slashing

    Tyrannosaurus rex may have used its small arms for slashing prey.

  2. Planetary Science

    Getting NASA’s Pluto mission off the ground took blood, sweat and years

    Alan Stern talks about the new book ‘Chasing New Horizons’ and what’s next for the spacecraft that got close to Pluto.

  3. Astronomy

    White dwarf’s inner makeup is mapped for the first time

    The first map of the internal composition of a white dwarf star shows these stellar corpses contain more oxygen than expected, challenging stellar evolution theories.

  4. Anthropology

    Ancient kids’ toys have been hiding in the archaeological record

    Some unusual finds from thousands of years ago are actually toys and children’s attempts at mimicking adult craftwork.

  5. Oceans

    In the deep ocean, these bacteria play a key role in trapping carbon

    Mysterious nitrite-oxidizing bacteria capture more carbon than previously thought and may be the primary engine at the base of the deep ocean’s food web.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Babies’ kicks in the womb are good for their bones

    A new study adds to the evidence that fetal workouts are important for strong bodies.

  7. Animals

    2017 delivered amazing biology finds from organisms large and small

    From giant African elephants to tiny tardigrades, scientists discovered some surprising biology this year.

  8. Archaeology

    Cave art suggests Neandertals were ancient humans’ mental equals

    Ancient humans’ close relatives also created rock art and shell ornaments, studies assert.

  9. Anthropology

    Ancient climate shifts may have sparked human ingenuity and networking

    Stone tools signal rise of social networking by 320,000 years ago in East Africa, researchers argue.

  10. Animals

    A lot of life on planet Earth is awful and incredible

    Acting Editor in Chief Elizabeth Quill discusses how the natural world feeds our sense of wonder.

  11. Animals

    With climate change, grizzly bears may hibernate less

    New research shows that food availability and weather are driving when grizzly bears enter and exit their dens for hibernation.

  12. Tech

    Electric eels provide a zap of inspiration for a new kind of power source

    Battery-like devices inspired by electric eels could someday power wearable and implantable tech or soft robots.
