Search Results for: Bears

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6,745 results
  1. Earth

    The search for new geologic sources of lithium could power a clean future

    Futuristic clean-energy visions of electric vehicles are driving the hunt for lithium.

  2. Paleontology

    Signs of the color blue have been found in a fossil for the first time

    Scientists think they’ve spotted hints of blue plumage in a fossilized bird from 48 million years ago.

  3. Animals

    Cryptic remains of tiny animals have turned up in an Antarctic lake

    Researchers were surprised to find vestiges of what appear to be tiny animals in mud from Antarctica’s ice-covered Lake Mercer.

  4. Paleontology

    A flexible bone that helps mammals chew dates back to the Jurassic Period

    A flexible bone that helps with chewing may have helped give rise to the Age of Mammals, a new fossil shows.

  5. Anthropology

    A Greek skull may belong to the oldest human found outside of Africa

    Humans possibly reached southeastern Europe by 210,000 years ago.

  6. Climate

    In a climate crisis, is geoengineering worth the risks?

    Some scientists say the world needs to reconsider some human-made ideas to cool the climate as dire warnings about the looming crisis ramp up.

  7. Math

    How Julia Robinson helped define the limits of mathematical knowledge

    Born 100 years ago, Julia Robinson played a key role in solving Hilbert’s 10th problem.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Edibles are tied to more severe health issues than smoking marijuana

    Most marijuana-linked cases at a Denver hospital involved weed smokers. But people who ate the drug were more likely to have heart or psych issues.

  9. Artificial Intelligence

    An AI used art to control monkeys’ brain cells

    Art created by an artificial intelligence exacts unprecedented control over nerve cells tied to vision in monkey brains, and could lead to new neuroscience experiments.

  10. Earth

    Muons reveal the whopping voltages inside a thunderstorm

    Particle physics sheds new light on the electric potential of thunderstorms.

  11. Paleontology

    ‘End of the Megafauna’ examines why so many giant Ice Age animals went extinct

    ‘End of the Megafauna’ ponders the mystery of what killed off so many of Earth’s big animals over the last 50,000 years.

  12. Paleontology

    New fossils may capture the minutes after the dinosaur-killing asteroid impact

    North Dakota fossils may depict the aftermath of the dinosaur-killing asteroid, but controversial claims about the breadth of the find are unproven.
