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6,748 results
  1. Climate

    Climate change made Europe’s flash floods in July more likely

    The deadly July floods in Belgium and Germany bear the fingerprints of human-caused climate change, scientists say.

  2. Animals

    Huge numbers of fish-eating jaguars prowl Brazil’s wetlands

    Jaguars in the northern Pantanal ecosystem primarily feed on fish and caiman, living at densities previously unknown for the species.

  3. Animals

    A new book shows how animals are already coping with climate change

    ‘Hurricane Lizards and Plastic Squid’ takes a clear-eyed look at future of animal life.

  4. Earth

    A mineral found in a diamond’s flaws contains the source of some of Earth’s heat

    A mineral theorized to exist in the mantle was found hiding in a diamond. Dubbed davemaoite, it could explain where some of Earth’s heat comes from.

  5. Climate

    2020 babies may suffer up to seven times as many extreme heat waves as 1960s kids

    Children born in 2020 will bear a much heavier burden from climate change during their lifetimes than those born in 1960, a new analysis finds.

  6. Animals

    Some wasps’ nests glow green under ultraviolet light

    Some Asian paper wasps’ nests fluoresce so brilliantly that the glow is visible from up to 20 meters away.

  7. Oceans

    The Southern Ocean is still swallowing large amounts of humans’ carbon dioxide emissions

    A 2018 study suggested the ocean surrounding Antarctica might be taking up less CO₂ than thought, but new data suggest it is still a carbon sink.

  8. Astronomy

    Distant rocky planets may have exotic chemical makeups that don’t resemble Earth’s

    Elements sprinkled on white dwarf stars suggest that the mantles of faraway rocky worlds differ greatly from their counterparts in our solar system.

  9. Humans

    Eating meat is the Western norm. But norms can change

    A meat-heavy diet, with its high climate costs, is the norm in the West. So social scientists are working to upend normal.

  10. Climate

    Climate change could make Virginia’s Tangier Island uninhabitable by 2051

    Tangier Island could be lost to rising seas sooner than previously realized. Whether to save the island or move its residents remains undecided.

  11. Animals

    Mouse sperm thrived despite six years of exposure to space radiation

    A space station experiment suggests future deep-space explorers don’t need to worry about passing the effects of space radiation on to their children.

  12. Anthropology

    Hunter-gatherers first launched violent raids at least 13,400 years ago

    Skeletons from an ancient African cemetery bear the oldest known signs of small-scale warfare.
