Search Results for: Bears

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6,745 results
  1. Astronomy

    Ancient Mars water: A deep source?

    A new analysis of a Mars meteorite that fell to Earth suggests that much of the water believed to have once flowed on the surface of the Red Planet came from eruptions of molten rock that originated deep within the planet.

  2. For some birds, Mr. Wrong can be alright

    What looks like the ultimate bad choice in romance—a mate from a different species—in some conditions may not be so dumb after all.

  3. From the January 31, 1931, issue

    ROBBER FLY MASQUERADES IN BUMBLEBEE’S CLOTHING The villainous-looking hexapod that glares at you from the cover of this week’s SCIENCE NEWS LETTER is as bad a citizen as he looks. He is a robber fly, who should by rights be called an assassin fly, for his practice is to pounce upon other insects in the […]

  4. Anthropology

    Human ancestors made ancient entry to Java

    Layers of hardened volcanic ash on the Indonesian island of Java have yielded evidence that Homo erectus reached eastern Asia by 1.5 million years ago and remained there until about 1 million years ago.

  5. Paleontology

    Did fibers and filaments become feathers?

    A variety of filamentary structures on the fossil of a small theropod dinosaur recently found in China may provide new insight into the evolution of feathers.

  6. Computing

    Sneaky Calculations

    The same communication system that brings you the Web page of your choice can be exploited to perform computations.

  7. Earth

    The Mountain

    Tall, steep slopes, a crest of glacial ice that's larger than that on any other mountain in the lower 48 United States, and a burgeoning population in its surrounding valleys combine to make Washington state's Mt. Rainier the most dangerous volcano in America.

  8. Dolphins may seek selves in mirror images

    Dolphins apparently recognize their own reflections.

  9. From the April 11, 1931, issue

    THE PRECIOUS JEWELS IN HIS HEAD ARE TWAIN Did you ever stop to take a really good look at a toads eyes? Just as many a plain-faced person is redeemed from ugliness by having fine eyes, so also does the toad find salvation from his ungraceful form, his abysmal mouth, his warty skin. His eyes […]

  10. Science News of the Year 2001

    A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the year 2001.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Study reveals male link to preeclampsia

    Men who were born of mothers who had the pregnancy complication preeclampsia are roughly twice as likely to father a child through preeclamptic pregnancy than are men who were born of mothers who had a normal pregnancy.

  12. Health & Medicine

    HIV-related viruses still cross species line

    Various potentially dangerous strains of simian immunodeficiency virus exist in wild primates in Africa and are still being spread among people who hunt the animals for meat.
