Search Results for: Ants
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1,569 results for: Ants
Fenced-off trees drop their friends
Protecting acacia trees from large, tree-munching animals sets off a chain of events that ends up ruining the trees' partnership with their bodyguard ants.
By Susan Milius -
Improved Cars: Chu on It
Hey Detroit: Lighten up, the incoming Energy Secretary recommends.
By Janet Raloff -
Whiz Kids: The Movie
New independent film showcases the arduous path by which extraodinary high school researchers reach the Science Talent Search competition in Washington, D.C.
By Janet Raloff -
Embryos can learn visually
For cuttlefish embryos, what they see is what they'll crave as food later
By Susan Milius -
Schools make fish smarter
A study of consensus decision making shows that sticklebacks make wider choices in groups of three or more.
Beetles grow weed killer
Beetle moms carry their own bacteria for making a compound to protect their gardens.
By Susan Milius -
Health & Medicine
The Foreign Drug Trade
Chances are you haven't a clue where your medicines come from.
By Janet Raloff -
Kavli Awardees Named
Norwegian Academy awards three novel and hefty prizes to three teams of scientists.
By Janet Raloff -
Health & Medicine
Insects (the original white meat)
Dining on insects, usually more by choice than necessity, occurs in at least 100 countries — and may be better than chicken for both people and the environment.
By Janet Raloff -
Strings Link the Ultracold with the Superhot
Perfect liquids suggest theory’s math mirrors something real.