Search Results for: Ants

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1,569 results

1,569 results for: Ants

  1. Animals

    A year of rediscovered species

    Thousands of species go extinct each year, but at least a few are found after many years of being lost.

  2. Physics

    Highlights from the American Physical Society meeting

    Highlights from the March meeting, held in Baltimore on March 18-22, 2013, include how fire ants need a little water to dig deep, what makes trees scream and a tiny crystal that can squeeze through an even tinier tube.

  3. Tech

    Recreating the eye of the fly

    Inspired by insect vision, camera with 180 linked lenses captures panoramic views.

  4. Life

    Group to Group

    Wild chimpanzees pick up ant-fishing behavior from a female immigrant.

  5. Neuroscience

    Some grape-scented compounds repel mosquitoes

    Molecules discovered to drive away bugs after researchers identify cells that detect, and are disgusted by, DEET.

  6. Life

    Morel mushroom may grow crop of its own

    A fungus could be a farmer itself, sowing, cultivating and harvesting bacteria.

  7. Secret Lives of Ants by Jae Choe

    Enter  the miniature world of ants and learn about their societies, from massacres and  power plays to self-sacrifice and factory-like enterprises. Johns Hopkins Univ., 2012, 156 p., $34.95

  8. Anthropology

    Human ancestors scrambled to their feet, a new explanation for bipedalism asserts

  9. Life

    Skinny searchers keep fat ants full

    By controlling movement out of an ant nest, researchers discover that ants weigh tubbiness in deciding who hunts for food.

  10. Animals

    Gut microbes may put barrier between species

    Wiping out gut bacteria in wasps saves crossbred offspring from death, suggesting that microbes may play a role in speciation.

  11. Fly guy

    Brian Brown can discover a new kind of fly anywhere. He often takes up the search in exotic locales such as New Zealand, Chile or Taiwan, but he’s not picky. Once, he was challenged to find a new species in a Los Angeles backyard. After setting a trap and waiting, he pulled out a winner: […]

  12. Life

    The name of the fungus

    A rebellion has broken out against the traditional way of naming species in the peculiar, shape-shifting world of fungi.
