Search Results for: Jellyfish

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250 results
  1. Chemistry

    Ribosomes Reveal Their RNA Secrets

    The first atomic-resolution map of a ribosome, a cell's protein factory, suggests that RNA catalyzes the formation of proteins.

  2. Chemistry

    Protein’s structure lights the way

    Forty years after the discovery of aequorin in a jellyfish, the structure of this calcium-tracking, glowing protein is resolved.

  3. Earth

    Hard rock jellies: Throng of rare fossils found in Midwest quarry

    A Wisconsin sandstone quarry recently served up a rare scientific find nearly a half billion years in the making: fossils of an armada of jellyfish that stud the site’s stone slabs.

  4. Tech

    NanoLights! Camera! Action!

    Fluorescent particles of semiconductors are giving biologists a new view of cells and proteins.

  5. First gene-altered primate beats the odds

    Oregon researchers have slipped a jellyfish gene into a rhesus monkey to create the first genetically modified primate.

  6. Earth

    The Importance of Being Electric

    By coordinating measurements from telescopes, planes, balloons, and a battery of instruments, terrestrial and space scientists have now placed themselves on almost intimate terms with sprites—luminous shapes that fleetingly appear high above lightning storms.

  7. Science News of the Year 2002

    A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the year 2002.

  8. Science News of the Year 2002

    A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the year 2002.

  9. Channel Surfing

    The newly revealed three-dimensional structures of proteins called ion channels reveal the secrets of their crucial function.

  10. Science News Books

  11. Worm Offers the First Animal Genome

  12. Front Matter
