Search Results for: Crows

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521 results
  1. Life

    Risky nests

    Invasive species misleads birds picking a home.

  2. Animals

    West Nile virus hits bird populations

    West Nile virus has hammered populations of five common North American birds.

  3. 19839

    Rather than concluding that the object that hit Canada 12,900 years ago was a comet, I wonder whether there might not be an alternate reason that geologists haven’t discovered a large hole. If a meteor hit a kilometer-thick glacier, would it have left a crater in the rock underneath the ice? Peter ShorWellesley, Mass. Scientists […]

  4. Humans

    Letters from the August 18, 2007, issue of Science News

    Exhaustive analysis I would debate the “1,000 watts or more” value attributed to typical adults during strenuous exercise (“Powering the Revolution: Tiny gadgets pick up energy for free,” SN: 6/2/07, p. 344). Hiking up steep slopes, I rarely exceed 250 W myself, and typical hikers are going much slower. The 1,000-watt figure can only apply […]

  5. Math

    Geometry in Court

    The Pythagorean theorem and geometric series played leading roles in two legal disputes.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Wasting Away: Prozac loses promise as anorexia nervosa fighter

    Although often prescribed for people with anorexia nervosa, the popular antidepressant medication Prozac offers no better protection against the potentially fatal eating disorder than placebo pills do.

  7. Animals

    Jay Watch: Birds get sneakier when spies lurk

    A scrub jay storing food takes note of any other jay that watches it and later defends the hoard accordingly.

  8. Animals

    Crow Tools: Hatched to putter

    The New Caledonian crow is the first vertebrate to be shown definitively to have an innate tendency to make and use tools, according to researchers who doubled as bird nannies.

  9. Math

    Predicting Oscar

    And the Academy Award goes to . . . ?

  10. Animals

    Owls use tools: Dung is lure for beetles

    Burrowing owls' habit of bringing mammal dung to their burrows attracts edible beetles and counts as form of tool use.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Virus might explain respiratory ailments

    Human metapneumovirus, first isolated in 2001, is present in many respiratory infections that had previously gone unexplained.

  12. Humans

    From the October 13, 1934, issue

    A wingless rooster, production of artificial radioactive elements, and novae proposed as the origin of cosmic rays.
