Search Results for: Chimpanzee

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947 results
  1. Life

    Human evolution tied to a small fraction of the genome

    Natural selection has concentrated on a small portion of the human genome, and mostly not on genes themselves.

  2. Animals

    Chimps raised among humans may have problems as adults

    Chimpanzees taken away from their mothers and raised to be pets or entertainers have problems relating to other chimps later in life.

  3. Humans

    Genetic tweaks built humans’ bigger brains

    Genetic tweaks may make human brains big.

  4. Anthropology

    How to reconstruct the face of an extinct human ancestor

    3-D designer reconstructs portraits of ancestors for the human family album.

  5. Archaeology

    Earliest known stone tools unearthed in Kenya

    East African discoveries suggest stone-tool making started at least 3.3 million years ago.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Ebola vaccine performs well in U.K. human trial

    A vaccine that protects against the Zaire strain of Ebola turns in promising preliminary results from a human trial.

  7. Psychology

    Music to just about everyone’s ears

    Common elements of music worldwide point to its central role in group cohesion.

  8. Genetics

    Ancestral humans had more DNA

    A new genetic diversity map marks where humans have gained and lost DNA.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Ebola vaccine shows no major side effects in small study

    An experimental vaccine against Ebola virus has tested well in people, researchers report.

  10. Life

    Ebola vaccine shows promise for saving apes

    Results of a clinical trial suggest that vaccination of wild apes could protect them from infectious diseases.

  11. Life

    Women blush when ovulating, and it doesn’t matter a bit

    Women don’t signal their fertility in obvious ways like nonhuman primates. A new study shows that even skin flushes are too subtle to detect.

  12. Animals

    Coral trout know when it’s time for team hunting

    In certain situations, coral trout appear to be as good as chimpanzees at knowing when to collaborate, a new study suggests.
