Search Results for: Artificial Intelligence

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795 results
  1. Artificial Intelligence

    This AI uses the same kind of brain wiring as mammals to navigate

    This AI creates mental maps of its environment much like mammals do.

  2. Tech

    Robots are becoming classroom tutors. But will they make the grade?

    Educational robots show promise for helping kids in the classroom or at home, but researchers are still figuring out how these bots should behave.

  3. Artificial Intelligence

    AI bests humans at mapping the moon

    AI does a more thorough job of counting craters than humans.

  4. Astronomy

    3 explanations for ‘Oumuamua that aren’t alien spaceships

    Astronomers are coming up with some creative ideas to explain the weird behavior of the first known interstellar object.

  5. Earth

    Christopher Hamilton explores the architecture of other worlds

    Planetary scientist Christopher Hamilton uses Earth’s volcanic structures are a blueprint for how lava shapes other worlds.

  6. Artificial Intelligence

    Ask AI: How not to kill online conversations

    Tips on not being a conversation-killer, courtesy of an AI that studied over 60,000 Reddit threads.

  7. Quantum Physics

    Quantum computer simulates two types of bizarre materials

    In calculations involving about 2,000 quantum bits, a D-Wave machine reproduced the behavior of exotic substances.

  8. Artificial Intelligence

    New setup for image recognition AI lets a program think on its feet

    Researchers are revamping image recognition programs to better identify familiar objects in new situations.

  9. Artificial Intelligence

    In the future, an AI may diagnose eye problems

    Artificial intelligence could help diagnose blinding eye diseases and other illnesses, speeding up medical care in areas where specialists might be scarce.

  10. Genetics

    Readers ponder geothermal power and more

    Readers respond to stories from the May 26, 2018 issue of Science News.

  11. Artificial Intelligence

    The newest AlphaGo mastered the game with no human input

    AlphaGo Zero is the first AI system of its kind to learn the game just by playing against itself.

  12. Tech

    For robots, artificial intelligence gets physical

    Physical intelligence makes robots able to sense of the world around them.
