Search Results for: Fish

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8,095 results
  1. Agriculture

    Predators zoom in on lice-infested salmon

    New research reveals another impact of fish farming on wild stocks.

  2. Ecosystems

    Eels on the move

    Study tracks European eels for the first 1,300 kilometers of their migration.

  3. Tech

    Scientists propose lab-grade black holes

    Creating tiny, artificial black holes could help uncover what happens to particles on the edge of full-sized black holes.

  4. Earth

    Feds propose banning giant snakes

    Today, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service announced plans to ban the importation and interstate transport of nine species of giant snakes. It’s a good idea, but a little like closing the barn door after the horse — or in this case, the pythons and anacondas — got loose.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Feds probe Gulf spill health risks

    The Institute of Medicine will be hosting a small public workshop in New Orleans, June 22 and 23, on possible health risks to Gulf coast residents and workers in the wake of the catastrophic BP oil spill. A June 16 congressional hearing previewed some of the concerns likely to arise at the meeting. They ranged from potential long-terms risks of DNA damage to claims that BP failed to provide protective gear to contract crews hired to clean up oil.

  6. Particle Physics

    Discovery of Higgs at Large Hadron Collider might not make all physicists happy

    Nobel laureate Steven Weinberg suggests many would be horrified if all the LHC discovers is its prime target, the Higgs boson. Tom Siegfried and others blog from the 47th annual New Horizons in Science meeting sponsored by the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing in Austin, Texas.

  7. Humans

    Ancient DNA suggests new hominid line

    Genetic data unveil a previously unknown Stone Age ancestor in central Asia.

  8. Paleontology

    King of the ancient seas

    Paleontologists discover fossilized skeleton of bus-sized marine reptile that had teeth with serrated edges.

  9. Humans

    Arctic warming chills interest in fishing

    Featured blog: An October 7 accord could put U.S. Arctic waters off-limits to fishing.

  10. Animals

    Swarm Savvy

    How bees, ants and other animals avoid dumb collective decisions

  11. Trawling the brain

    New findings raise questions about reliability of fMRI as gauge of neural activity.

  12. Life

    Nemo could get lost again as seawater approaches acidity

    Reef fish raised at a seawater pH expected for the year 2100 don't smell their way around normally.
