Search Results for: Virus

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6,165 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    Male circumcision tied to lower HIV prevalence

    Clinical programs in eastern and southern Africa also seem to be changing people’s views on the operation.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Studies shed light on Ebola’s M.O.

    New findings reveal a key step in how the deadly virus infects cells — and identify compounds that may thwart it.

  3. SN Online

    SCIENCE & THE PUBLIC BLOGImported primate meat hosts potentially dangerous viruses. See “Bush meat can be a viral feast.” LIFE A snake senses prey’s last heartbeats. See “Boas take pulse as they snuff it out.” ATOM & COSMOS A simulation hints at why space is 3-D. Read “String theorists squeeze nine dimensions into three.” BODY […]

  4. BOOK REVIEW: The Viral Storm: The Dawn of a New Pandemic Age by Nathan Wolfe

    Review by Erika Engelhaupt.

  5. BOOK REVIEW: The Forever Fix: Gene Therapy and the Boy Who Saved It by Ricki Lewis

    Review by Alexandra Witze.

  6. Life

    Cats engineered for disease resistance

    Genetically modified felines created in an effort to fight feline immunodeficiency virus.

  7. Humans

    Afghanistan on 240 incidents a week

    A computer simulation forecasts insurgent activity by analyzing U.S. military logs released on WikiLeaks.

  8. Life

    Genes & Cells

    Microscopic murderers caught dealing poison, fighting aging with hibernation and more in this week's news.

  9. Humans

    Science denial in the 21st century

    MADISON, Wis. — The arc of science has faced roadblocks for centuries, but the pattern of denying the weight of evidence has taken on new virulence recently. Highly motivated people openly cast doubt on well-established evidence — the theory of evolution, the human effects on climate change, the value of vaccines and other findings that […]

  10. Math

    Varying efficacy of HIV drug cocktails explained

    Steepness of slope in dose-response curve tips off researchers to importance of timing in virus’s life cycle.

  11. Genetics

    Factory of Life

    Synthetic biologists reinvent nature with parts, circuits.

  12. Animals

    Mosquitoes Remade

    Scientists reinvent agents of illness to become allies in fight against disease.
