Search Results for: Geology

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7,733 results
  1. Animals

    Life Without Sex

    The search is on for creatures that have evolved for eons without sex.

  2. Paleontology

    Learning from the Present

    New field studies of unfossilized bones, as well as databases full of information about current fossil excavations and previous fossil finds, are providing insights into how complete—or incomplete—Earth's fossil record may be.

  3. Earth

    Shifting Sands

    Sand dunes can provide scientists with clues about ancient patterns of wind and precipitation.

  4. Earth

    Tsunami! At Lake Tahoe?

    Surprised tourists could catch the ultimate wave.

  5. Anthropology

    Drowned land holds clue to first Americans

    A map of a now-flooded region charts the path that Asians may have taken to first reach the Americas.

  6. Animals

    Ear for Killers: Seals discern foes’ from neighbor-whales’ calls

    Harbor seals eavesdrop on killer whales and can tell the harmless neighborhood fish eaters from roving gangs with a taste for fresh seal.

  7. Earth

    In case of temblor, run downhill

    Computer models of the ground motions measured on a shallow hill during an earthquake suggest that, in certain circumstances, the ground movements could be magnified by as much as 10 times those measured on flat areas nearby.

  8. Earth

    Snowball Melting? Ancient formation shows glacier activity

    An ancient, well-preserved glacial formation in Oman provided evidence that Earth experienced intermittent ice ages like those in Earth's more recent history.

  9. Archaeology

    Could the Anasazi have stayed?

    New computer simulations of the changing environmental conditions around one of the Anasazi cultural centers in the first part of the last millennium suggest that drought wasn't the only factor behind a sudden collapse of the civilization.

  10. Earth

    Arsenic Agriculture? Irrigation may worsen Bangladesh’s woes

    Researchers investigating an unfolding massive epidemic of arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh say they have evidence that local irrigation practices may be contributing to the problem.

  11. Earth

    Shaked Alaska: A sleepy fault wakes and reveals new links

    One of the most powerful earthquakes ever recorded on U.S. land shook south-central Alaska on Nov. 3, revealing activity along the Denali fault.

  12. Planetary Science

    Echoes of Icequakes: Simple probe could measure Europa’s ocean and icy shell

    A football-size space probe could provide a low-cost way to determine whether there's a liquid ocean on the Jovian moon Europa.
