Search Results for: Fish

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8,095 results
  1. Life

    Parks not burdening poor neighbors, study says

    New research examines controversy over conservation areas by studying poverty in Costa Rica and Thailand.

  2. Life

    Old fish, new fish, red fish, blue fish

    A difference in vision in cichlids in Lake Victoria could be pushing a species to split into two.

  3. Anthropology

    Droughts gave early humans survival skills for later travels

    Droughts were actually good times for early humans, helping to develop skills for survival in other parts of the world, Lisa Grossman reports in a blog from the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing's New Horizons in Science meeting.

  4. Ecosystems

    Sea of plastics

    Oceanographers are finding more patches of floating polymers, some up to 20 meters deep.

  5. Earth

    Footprints could push back tetrapod origins

    Newly discovered trackways much older than previous evidence for sea-to-land transition.

  6. Let there be light

    New technology illuminates neuronal conversations in the brain

  7. Anthropology

    Stone Age campers set up separate activity areas

    Hominids displayed advanced organizational thinking almost 800,000 years ago

  8. Humans

    AAAS: Climate-friendly fish

    Many intangibles determine how big — or small — the carbon footprint is of that fish you're thinking about eating.

  9. Earth

    Wringing hope from crashing biodiversity

    Biodiversity losses have not slowed despite a treaty designed to protect variety in the natural world.

  10. Hornet Plus Three: The Story of the Apollo 11 Recovery by Bob Fish

    After men first landed on the moon, they still had to get back to Earth — a surprisingly complicated feat. Creative Minds Press, 2009, 232 p., $29.95. HORNET PLUS THREE: THE STORY OF THE APOLLO 11 RECOVERY BY BOB FISH

  11. Ecosystems

    Sharks use math to hunt

    Marine predators cruise the seas using fractal principles.

  12. Paleontology

    Fossilized poop bears tooth marks

    Shark-bitten fecal matter probably came from an assault on an ancient croc.
